Raspberry Pi 5 just announced

The logic for me would be that Pi5 has better specs but costs the same. If it cost more than a new Pi4, then any ‘why bother?’ argument holds more water, but it doesn’t, it costs the same for the same memory capacity.

That means it is also more capable in case it needs repurposing to something that benefits from higher specs. What I’ll probably do is wait for the pioneers to iron out any possible hardware and software glitches, then put a Pi5 as my NAS processor (where it will be a significant upgrade) and then repurpose any other Pis I use, or use one of the old Pi4s as an experimental subject (muahaha etc).

So there are valid reasons to bother. You’re no worse off in any case.

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Almost I think. :wink:
Some cases are worse off than others…
Folks hinted at the immediate lack of peripherals for the RPi 5, and an unknown wait period for any that may be developed. For me, that’s worse off.
In my case, the case itself could be the Achilles’ heel. I like using the flashy Wicked Aluminum cases. Passive cooling only, and it’s hard to ascertain whether any decent passive models will be released for the 5 since it’d require under-clocking in many/most non-forced air cases (pun!). I can accept well-implemented forced air solutions in power amplifiers, but nothing upstream of that as there’s just not reasonable need (in a music playback chain).
The RPi site makes no mention of a passive cooling case for under-clockers. I assume the solution there would be to pay for the active cooling case and leave the fan unplugged. Meh.
Given how many wacky cases were developed around the Pi4, however, I’m not doubting any lack of classy chassis (with fans…) for the 5. So here’s hoping I’m wrong and that passive cooling cases won’t be an oversight in this model.

will try if I can connect ssd or something to it, 150k tracks on rpi3 is hardly useable

Yes, the unanswered (so far) question is will Pi5 be too hot at stock clock speeds for a cheap passive case to prevent throttling under load.

@hifiswede : an ssd connected by USB3 will work fine, that’s been confirmed.

Some indication on passive cooling (and a USB ssd working) here

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I’ve been using a RPi 3b+ ( Is your model the 3b “+@hifiswede ? ) for ~225,000 tracks (over 7TB) on an 8TB SATA SSD for testing.
Runs fine via the phone app with
(1) SATA-to-USB drive enclosure connected to Pi’s USB input (SSD runs hot), and also
(2) SATA-to-USB drive enclosure into discretely powered USB hub (Orico) connected to Pi’s USB input.
What is your definition of “hardly useable”? :grin:
Very few software “hiccups” for me, pretty great for freeware OS.

I like that guy’s channel, long have, but could’ve used a few Hollywood effects during the video call section. :wink:

#massive_passive_cooling indeed!!! I wonder how many RPi units have been shorted for “Explaining Computers” heat sink copycats, lol

We are currently testing our build for PI 5.

To avoid the need of active cooling, we made some optimizations aimed directly at Raspberry PI 5 which reduce the operating temperature (without affecting performances).

Stay tuned :wink:


volumio 3.546 will not start at Raspberry PI 5 4Gb
It says try: config.tex , with: os_check=0
this du not help, new error: code 7
The test start is without DAC hat etc
Regards Jens

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Support for RPi5 has been included in the upcoming stable release

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When will that be released ?

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8th november, together with Tidal FLAC


Update of volumio 3.546 at rPi4 to test version 3.569
make it start on Raspberry PI 5 4Gb.
I will test some dac´s on this and wait on the new release

56oC without even passive cooling. Cool.

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Yeah we tuned the governor so PI5 will not require any form of cooling :wink:


Hi @volumio
Will tuning the governor reduce the Pi’s wifi or bluetooth power? Improved signal strength is the only real benefit I can see of using a Pi 5 over a 4 with Volumio.

And covers loads faster :slight_smile:

And you get to order a new ribbon cable for your old display.

WiFi and BT won’t be affected by the tuning of the CPU governor

the only benefits I see on using a RPI5 over a RPI4 is the power button and a bit faster system response, due to the improved SD interface (but you need a fast SD to notice the difference)

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Nonetheless, with Raspberry’s history of supply issues, it’s reassuring to know that Volumio works perfectly on the Pi 5 and runs cool without a fan - so a good option if and when the Pi4 is unavailable.

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yeah, I did order the fan, but so far it has only turned on during boot…
Even though it’s build into a small 10x15*4 cm case, with a minimum of airflow running thru.

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