Raspberry Pi 5/4GB / DAC / USB Stick - runs at the wrong speed

A few days ago I swapped my hardware from Raspberry pi 3B+ and 4 to 5 with 4/8 GB. Simply plugged the Micro SD cards from the old system into the new Pi and lo and behold nothing worked. Now installed 3.7 with PeppyMeter and other tools - everything works. The sound via Dac from USB SSD or stick is played very slowly. Like a record player with a different speed. Now I’ve tried everything possible, different power supply, different volume, with and without DAC, different DAC, every time I want to play from USB it doesn’t work! Everything works normally from the NAS or Spotify.

My system: Raspberry Pi 5 4GB, HIFIBerry DAC+, DAC+Pro, DAC+ADC or AUDIOPHONICS ES9038Q2M. Display 1920x1080. Sandisk Ultra Extreme PRO Micro SD card memory card 32GB.
Can you help me?

Thank you,

Nobody has an idea?

Maybe the same issue.

Audio playback is slow with hifiberry dac on Pi5 - Help and Support - Volumio Community

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