If you are using HDMI0 of the Pi 4 you might get along with the Touch Display plugin. You can install it from “Plugins” -> “Search Plugins” -> “Miscellanea”. After that you can set the rotation from the config page of the plugin. Before you reboot comment the line dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d in “/boot/config.txt”
Thanks for that hint. But the config.txt rotation modes doesn’t work on my display I tried everything on RaspberryPi OS.
I installed the Plugin and without the dtoverlay the displays doesn’t work properly. It seems that it switch to another resolution which I can’t identitfy.
Maybe have a look at the settings in the “userconfig.txt” which has been posted over there and try out the values from that file in your “/boot/config.txt” (apart from “display_rotate=1”).
from “/boot/config.txt” to “/boot/userconfig.txt”.
This has the advantage that your own entries remain untouched when Volumio gets updated. In contrast /boot/config.txt file gets overwritten (further information).
I am a newb when it comes to Raspberry Pi’s and programming in general. I was able to get Volimio installed on my Rpi4 2gb and I can access it from a PC web browser…But I cannot get the HDMI output to work. just shows a Login screen.
Can someone. give me a complete newb walk through on how to get the HDMI output to work. meaning I want to see the User Interface on the screen.
a simple step by step assume i know nothing tutorial on how to make the HDMI port work with a standard PC monitor or TV
Look for the Touch Display plugin. You can install it from “Plugins” -> “Search Plugins” -> “Miscellanea”. Be patient… installation can take quite a while. After installing don’t forget to enable the plugin.
At best nothing more has to be done. If you should encounter issues please provide the brand and exact model name of your screen.