Radio France Podcast

Hi all, I use Volumio on a Rapsberry. I tried to add the french “Radio France” podcast (for “France Inter” radio). I found some of them in the setting menus of the Podcast plugin but every time when I save it I received an error message and noting is saved.
Is it possible to add this source of podcast?
Which logs can I sent to who?
In advance thank you for your answers.

I have a suggestion.
When you select France Radio in Podcast settings it gives a list of podcasts.
If you choose a categorie from that dropdown it will save.
You can then select individual podcasts to listen to from the categorie that you have saved.

Hi Jazzfan, Thank you for your suggestion.
When I do what you suggest, when I click on the save button, section “Register Podcast Search Results”, I receive the following error message “There is an error in the podcast RSS feed URL.”
How to determine what is the issue in the URL? What logs can I send to who to help me?

There is a dedicated thread for the Podcast plugin, maybe post there and see if the plugin creator or another user can help you.