Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO

First i put new Volumio software, than i install display , than i put pappymetar and install, after that i restart , in pappymetar i make dsd configuration , no mouse , display 0 and i put one skin , after that i change in boot display settings to 1024x600, than i in pappymetar i put the same resolution , but still some times is stock the sound, that happenin wth all versions, i hoped the new version 1.5.0. worked without that issuses…:sleepy::sleepy::sleepy:

“0” Time screensaver in Peppymeter?

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with “0” in peppy you need to start peppy manually, you should set it to “1” or higher.


the Screensaver Timeout i set 20sec

The only thing that comes to mind for me is the power supply.
Time in Peppymeter must be more than 4s, you have more (20s) so it’s not a problem. With a lower value there are problems (1,2,3,4 - I had one like that).

Thx Gelo5 , you thing that the powersupply is the problem, i will change the powersupply than i will see, thx again

Yes minimum is 5 sec for screensaver and disable ‚Screensaver while playing‘ in touchscreen plugin.

Hi Roberto,
can you please do the follow modification of file:


replace the section:

pcm.spotify {
  type plug
  slave {
    pcm "spd_peppyalsa"
    format "S16_LE"   

with this:

pcm.spotify {
  type copy
  slave.pcm "spd_peppyalsa"

Then change to modular alsa save and change back to DSD (this update the alsa config)
And then try again

Hi @2aCD Falk. I tried your modificated file but the clicks during playng tracks is the same. Maybe just less frequent but always present.

Hm, strange.
Please check the following options:

General playback options:
-DSD Playback Mode: DSD direct
-DSD auto Volume: off
-volume normalization: off
-Audio buffer size: > 2mb ( try more buffer)
-Mixer type: none
-Audio resampling: off

Disable all functionalities

Good sunday my friend @2aCD.
I also tried with a fresh installation of volumio and peppymeter 1.5.0, followed step by step all your suggested options but unfortunately the clicks are always present. But another huge problem is showen, leaving your new peppyalsa.postpeppyalsa5 file and all disabled, if i restart volumio the connection with Spotify became impossible. From the Spotify android app i select volumio as output,it seems to connect but no music is playng and after few seconds it disconnects and so on…if i select a spotify track from volumio app or web it doesn’t play anything…so i restored the previous original peppyalsa.postpeppyalsa5 file then change to modular alsa save and change back to DSD , restart volumio and spotify connection returns full functional. The cliks are always and forever presents…but the peppyalsa.postpeppyalsa5 file changed has the right syntax ? Trying and retrying I’m getting mad and I’m a little disheartened…i hope in your new suggestions. Thank’s for all

I bought Spotify (I normally use Tidal). I listened to Spotify for 5 hours on Sennheiser headphones. Then I listened for 2 hours using McIntosh 275. I don’t hear any clicks… Can you record it and put it on YT? I can’t reproduce it. I’m curious, what kind of cliques are you talking about?
On a track or between tracks?

@Gelo5 as soon This is the link on Drive , However clicks occur while a track is playing.
I’don’t know if you hear, go to 20",39",48-50"

Yes, there are clicking sounds - I don’t have that

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Do you have the possibility to change the sound card. Please can you test with hdmi output

@2aCD i tried the hdmi out with Peppymeter and spotify plugins and no clicks were reproduced.

I suspected it. Otherwise others would have noticed the problem already. It’s difficult for me, I can’t reproduce this effect. We can only try a bit modified asound.conf. I can not promise anything.

please try this little modification in

# spotify meter definition
	type meter
	slave.pcm "copy_output"
	scopes.0 peppyalsa_spd

replace the “copy_output” with “postpeppyalsa”

then change the alsa mode to modular alsa and save and go back to DSD-native to activate the template.

Dear Falk @2aCD , It’s already a lot of what you do.
I don’t understand anything about programmation it, I’m just a passionate music listener and at most a beta tester and I have no computer skills.
Thanks anyway

I am new to volumio / peppymeter,
just bought Pi5 8GB, HDMI connect to 1080P FullHD TV,
installed Volumio 3.631 and Peppymeter 1.5.0.

When use custon-7 1920x1080, everything works great !
( RANDOM, LIST mode… )
thanks for the great program !

Try the Gelo5 1920x1080 99 skin pack
put to
with folder name “1920x1080_custom_11”

change Active Meter Folder to “custom-11 1920x1080” ( 99 skins )

in VU-Meter Setting :
If I use “LIST” mode with all the 99 skins,
I got “black screen” immediately after peppymeter starts, with music sound still playing, I have to restart Volumio to get it work again.

If I use “Random” mode with 15 second interval,
Peppymeter usually “crash” after playing about 10 min ( 40 random skins ? )
It stop at one skin with needle stop moving, time stop counting,
but music still playing, I can stop the music by web control,
but the TV screen still “freeze” at that skin and no return to volumio,
web control re-play music cannot restart the peppymeter, I have to reboot volumio to get it working again.

If I choose only “one” specific skin, it is normal, no crash.

If I use default custom_7 1920x1080, it is also normal with “LIST” or “Random” mode, no black or freeze screen.

Is it due to limitation of max skin numbers ( 99 is too much ? )
or 15 second interval too short ?
or “memory leakage” ?

Can someone help me ? I wish to see all the 99 skins in random or list mode with 15 seconds interval…

Thank you !

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