Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO

in /data/plugins/ yes.
In your hone folder no


Thank you, @Wheaten . So any suggestions for me to fix?

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Please reflash your SD and install the latest stable version.
Your running test versions, which are only there to test certain functions and might break other things.

Latest stable version:

Hallo,my Problem is still alive ;-))
Peppymeter playing with Internetradio and youtubemusic but not with Spotify. by spotify the needle dont move, i have make a new one, first volumio, then pluginsfrom spotify and youtube and at last the peppymeterplugin, only the needle dont move when playing spotify.
please help, thanks

My configuration is raspberry4, 4gb. i test it with outgoing to HDMI, to a DAC per usb, Khadas tone1 and with a DAC PRO HAT. all work fine with peppymeter only by playing spotify the needles dont move

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I had the same problem. Did a factory reset. Installed Spotify. Then went through installing PeppyMeter. It worked then unless I went into Spotify settings and changed “BitRate” after that my gauges stopped working. Wish I could find a better way to fix this, but that appears to be the only option I could figure out. So install Spotify and set your options. Then install PeppyMeter and don’t touch the Spotify settings after that.

Thank you. I’ve successfully made it with a new flashed disk.

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i make flashed a new card more then six or eight times and peppymeter play by internetradio,youtubemusik and from network. When i listen to spotify the needles dont move, by all the Bitrate and other configurations

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Hallo, some times later and 6 flashed volumio / Peppymeterinstallations… the needles dont move by spotify.Not with HDMI, khdas tone 1 board or a katana dac board. its all ok, internetradio and youtubemusik biut spotify dont work. Where are my mistakes? Please help, thank you. Mike

I have the same problem.Needles don’t move with Spotify also after several new installations on new card. They move with all other sources.

Hi, Guys! I am trying to use cheaper SPI 480 x 320 (XPT2046) touchscreen for album art with peppymeter. Original meters work well, but as soon as I try to create my own skin album art does not change…
Am I missing some line in meters.txt or other settings? Does anyone have same experience? Maybe there is a known fix?
Help or possible solutions appreciated.

have you take a look at one of the many exapmples?

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Thanks @Wheaten ! I took a look. They seem very similar to “costom skins” from original installation.
I wanted just to check if there is some limitations with particularly SPI displays, since they use different bus… But if it is not the case, then it is on my side. I will try to start fresh Volumio installation from the top and see if it helps.
Just one note for clarity: when I said “original meters” I meant for 480x320 (without album art). As soon as I tried to see album art with some other larger screen size folder or my own attempts, meters moved, but album art stopped on the first track.

What do you mean? What doesn’t change? Size?

@Gelo5 does not change with the next song.

Internet radio, NAS, USB…?

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I tested with Spotify and Internet radio.

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please run your test with a more stable source. Both tested depends on serving art from a stream.
Try prob. tagged tracks for USB or NAS.

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I don’t have Spotify, I have Tidal. The radio doesn’t seem to include the cover.
The cover is downloaded from the music folder. It doesn’t download the cover from TAG.

OK, thanks for tips Guys! Some further testing is necessary anyway.