But somewhere there must be a folder “Wide 2 chanel 1280x400” ?
I mine and you mine. Check it out above
Maybe it will work for Wide? Check
You’re not listening to what is said to you
Upload to custom6
I tried to do so. This trick doesn’t work. Files must belong to the “root” group/user.
it is in the list, but it does not work. I had the same thing with 1920x480 skins.
why not use filezilla or winscp to copy files to the correct folder.
I’ve done it all before. Thank you very much for your help, but it doesn’t work. As I wrote to you earlier, if files with skins in the same folder do not belong to the same group/user (root or volumio), then the skins will not be launched. They are displayed in the list, but do not start. This is a fact.
Impossible, they must work. You’re doing something wrong. View Filezilla screenshot
I don’t use Filezilla. I use Putty in Windows and explorer in Linux Mint. I will try a clean install.
You’re so stubborn. Use Filezilla as advised and trouble will disappear. Why don’t you want to try?
Yesterday I uploaded custom files of @Gelo5 via filezilla, everything works perfectly.
in my case custom_1 (800x400)
The skin “Gelo5 Old braun” is specified twice in your meters.txt file. I removed the excess and everything worked. Without Filezilla. I put all the files in a /data/plugins/miscellanea/peppy_screensaver/peppymeter/wide.
So, peppymeter stops working with fusiondsp ??
What seams to stop working is only the screensaver trigger because I can manually start it and it works beautifully and if I stop the music , peppymeter also stops, only the play/screensaver trigger is missing.
Can I please get some help ? What triggers the screensaver ?
Thank you
I found the issue. Fusiondsp starts some python3 process that makes run_peppymeter.sh if condition fail.
If fusiondsp is not enabled, pgrep -x “python3” , does not return any process whereas it returns if fusiondsp is enabled. This is the issue.
Any ideas how to fix this ?
Without any music playing…
nano /data/plugins/miscellanea/peppy_screensaver/peppymeter/run_peppymeter.sh
if ! pgrep -x “python3” > /dev/null
if ! pgrep -f volumio_peppymeter.py > /dev/null
ctrl+x , ctrl+y, enter , to save file and it should start working after the screensaver timeout value when you start plying music.
if you want to make the VU move more
nano /data/plugins/miscellanea/peppy_screensaver/peppymeter/config.txt
look for [data.source] and change volume.max = 100.0 to something higher like 200, experiment what works for you
ctrl+x , ctrl+y, enter to save.
Thanks! I will try it out.
Just curious to see if there is any one using an android tablet as a monitor for PeppyMeter connecting via a HDMI Video Capture dongle. If there is a way that would be great.
Hi, I hope you can help me. I’ve been tinkering with peppy_screensaver on my volumio. My screen is 800x480.
I copied the tube images (foreground and needle from the peppy github.
I added entries to the meter.txt and a lot of things work:
- the meter is at the bottom and the needles move
- the albumart is shown exactly where I expect it to be
- the playinfo.type, playinfo.samplerate, and time.remaining show
But try as I may, I cannot get playlist.title, playlist.album or playlist.artist to show
What am I missing? The default screensavers show artist, album and title.
meter.type = circular
channels = 2
ui.refresh.period = 0.033
bgr.filename = tube-bgr.png
indicator.filename = tube-needle.png
fgr.filename = tube-fgr.png
steps.per.degree = 4
start.angle = 44
stop.angle = -44
distance = 111
left.origin.x = 177
left.origin.y = 350
right.origin.x = 619
right.origin.y = 350
meter.x = 0
meter.y = 130
screen.bgr = all-black.jpg
— volumio optional entries -------
config.extend = True
albumart.pos = 580, 20
albumart.dimension = 200,200
albumart.border = 1
playinfo.title.pos = 20,40,bold
playinfo.artist.pos = 20,80,light
playinfo.album.pos = 20,100,light
playinfo.type.pos = 400,90
playinfo.type.color = 94,91,80
playinfo.type.dimension = 28,28
playinfo.samplerate.pos = 440,90,regular
time.remaining.pos = 400,120
time.remaining.color = 94,91,80
font.size.digi = 32
font.size.light = 14
font.size.regular = 15
font.size.bold = 15
font.color = 250,250,250
I’m not @solaar1974 , but try to add:
playinfo.center = False
playinfo.maxwidth = 350
And distance = 111 is too big
That did the trick. Thank you so much!