[quote=“Wheaten, post:2, topic:57248, full:true”]
I think you’re getting close to the point that people won’t support you anymore, again a new topic with the same. At least I won’t.
Take care.
I, probably like most people here, try to keep in touch with all of the topics on the forum. In the ‘old days’ it could be a mine of information, often with useful snippets appearing in topics that, although I was not interested in them, if I hadn’t looked, I would have missed out.
So I still read each new posting (and for someone who has no interest in Tidal or Spotify that’s a lot of reading nowadays!) but I must confess that of late I’ve been wondering if this/these I.R. topics are simply a wind-up, to see how far people will go before giving up.
When they first appeared I was tempted to help, but as there were plenty of replies I left them to it. Now I no longer read them, simply open them, navigate to the latest entry and exit.
I think you should be congratulated on your efforts to help - you lasted far longer than I would have!