[PLUGIN] YouTube for Volumio

How can i delete all disinstall plugin and reinstall?
How can riassociate the device with the google link?
Sorry but there too many link and forum post and i don’t remember :slight_smile:

yes you can do it … from your plugin page… what i did to was put the youtube plugin on default settings
and added a new code back to google …


thanks for your support!
Please also for other people wants to update this plugin can you write me the steps?

I can try:
1- disinstall youtube plugin from plugin management of volumio gui
2 - recreate a new api key?
3 - find the youtube plugin of decvember 2019? how can i find the link?
4 - reinstall and update all packages?

But don’t know the commands

all is written above how to…
1- disinstall youtube plugin from plugin management of volumio gui
just go to plugins >> youtube plugin >> red button Uninstall

2- I didn’t re-create api key …

3- YT plugin version 0.1.0 ( date 20191224 ) as base.
Also run in terminal : cd /data/plugins/music_service/youtube/
Then run : npm install ytdl-core@latest inside
Then run : reboot volumio

4 - reinstall and update all packages? why?? your on the last one


my configuration: raspbery pi2 with hifiberry dac plus. Volumio 2.8.3 last version

followed Leo steps:
To get the Youtube Plugin installed type:

wget http://volumio.github.io/volumio-plugins/plugins/volumio/armhf/music_service/youtube/youtube.zip 30
Now we need to create a folder:
mkdir ./youtube

Now we are going to unzip the compressed file we just downloaded:
miniunzip youtube.zip -d ./youtube

Now change directory:
cd ./youtube

From here we cann install the plugin with the following command:
volumio plugin install

It will ask you if you want to activate it. Just exit putty and reopen it.
now we will get rid of the installer files and the folder:
rm- rf youtube

Now we need to update:

npm install ytdl-core@latest inside cd /data/plugins/music_service/youtube/

Then update

volumio@volumio:/$ npm install ytdl-core@latest inside cd /data/plugins/music_service/youtube/
npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/package.json'
npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/package.json'
npm WARN !invalid#1 No description
npm WARN !invalid#1 No repository field.
npm WARN !invalid#1 No README data
npm WARN !invalid#1 No license field.

+ youtube@0.1.0
+ ytdl-core@4.0.0
+ inside@1.0.0
+ cd@0.3.3
added 8 packages in 9.061s

And rebooted

Insert apikey as explained by dvo post

Launched sudo journalctl -f

Oct 27 15:52:32 volumio volumio[819]: info: [1603813952578] Youtube::clearAddPlayTrack
Oct 27 15:52:32 volumio volumio[819]: ***** track.uri: hU0-fb6OgyA
Oct 27 15:52:33 volumio volumio[819]: Error: Error parsing config: Unexpected token ; in JSON at position 54466
Oct 27 15:52:33 volumio volumio[819]: at gotConfig (/data/plugins/music_service/youtube/node_modules/ytdl-core/lib/info.js:123:21)
Oct 27 15:52:33 volumio volumio[819]: at request (/data/plugins/music_service/youtube/node_modules/ytdl-core/lib/info.js:74:7)
Oct 27 15:52:33 volumio volumio[819]: at PassThrough.Miniget.stream.on (/data/plugins/music_service/youtube/node_modules/miniget/dist/index.js:196:32)
Oct 27 15:52:33 volumio volumio[819]: at emitNone (events.js:111:20)
Oct 27 15:52:33 volumio volumio[819]: at PassThrough.emit (events.js:208:7)
Oct 27 15:52:33 volumio volumio[819]: at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1064:12)
Oct 27 15:52:33 volumio volumio[819]: at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
Oct 27 15:52:33 volumio volumio[819]: at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)
Oct 27 15:52:33 volumio volumio[819]: Error opening Youtube stream, video is probably not valid.

Then npm outdated

volumio@volumio:/$ cd data/plugins/music_service/youtube/
volumio@volumio:/data/plugins/music_service/youtube$ npm outdated
Package           Current  Wanted  Latest  Location
googleapis         45.0.0  45.0.0  61.0.0  youtube
iso8601-duration    1.0.6   1.0.6   1.2.0  youtube
md5                 2.2.1   2.2.1   2.3.0  youtube
node-cache          5.0.1   5.0.1   5.1.2  youtube
ytdl-core           1.0.3   1.0.9   4.0.0  youtube

After nmp depth -9999 update logs

Oct 27 16:23:00 volumio volumio[823]: ***** track.uri: jgbf03MJyS4
Oct 27 16:23:01 volumio volumio[823]: Error: Error parsing config: Unexpected token ; in JSON at position 265409
Oct 27 16:23:01 volumio volumio[823]: at gotConfig (/data/plugins/music_service/youtube/node_modules/ytdl-core/lib/info.js:123:21)
Oct 27 16:23:01 volumio volumio[823]: at request (/data/plugins/music_service/youtube/node_modules/ytdl-core/lib/info.js:74:7)
Oct 27 16:23:01 volumio volumio[823]: at PassThrough.Miniget.stream.on (/data/plugins/music_service/youtube/node_modules/miniget/dist/index.js:215:32)
Oct 27 16:23:01 volumio volumio[823]: at emitNone (events.js:111:20)
Oct 27 16:23:01 volumio volumio[823]: at PassThrough.emit (events.js:208:7)
Oct 27 16:23:01 volumio volumio[823]: at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1064:12)
Oct 27 16:23:01 volumio volumio[823]: at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
Oct 27 16:23:01 volumio volumio[823]: at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)
Oct 27 16:23:01 volumio volumio[823]: Error opening Youtube stream, video is probably not valid.

After npm update

Oct 27 17:33:36 volumio volumio[821]: UNSET VOLATILE
Oct 27 17:33:36 volumio volumio[821]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined
Oct 27 17:33:36 volumio volumio[821]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined
Oct 27 17:33:36 volumio volumio[821]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
Oct 27 17:33:36 volumio volumio[821]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer
Oct 27 17:33:36 volumio volumio[821]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
Oct 27 17:33:36 volumio volumio[821]: info: [1603820016337] Youtube::clearAddPlayTrack
Oct 27 17:33:36 volumio volumio[821]: ***** track.uri: i14wSK6x8cA

After all this steps some thinking.
See the youtube plugin repo last version check for google apis 59.00 so it could be a trick.
After reinstalled the plugin have problems to launche a playack, after npm update something went wrong and nothing happens.
Don’t know if is it possibile to talk with the developer. Tried to update all npm modules but the command delete half of the modules and don’t reinstall it don’t know why.

Is there a npm command to delete and the reinstall modules of a plugin?

Thanks very much anyway.


@queengab i got him back with this ( screwed up mine again to see how i could get it back )… :
You will need to update the ytdl-core to the latest.
cd /data/plugins/music_service/youtube
and modify in package.json under ytdl-core from whatever number is there to 3.2.0. Save it and then run in the same folder from the command line: npm --depth 9999 update. Reboot This seems to work for me.


thanks very much!!!
This is the right solution.
So for all wants to know how to install manually the plugin and get it works:
Follow the info about to install a plugin manually. It’s in my previous post and in other post of this thread.
But before update change the package.json file with ytdl.core to 3.2.0 it will install 3.4.2 library that works with googleapis 45.00

Actually after launch npm outdated i have this configuration:
Package Current Wanted Latest Location
googleapis 45.0.0 45.0.0 61.0.0 youtube
iso8601-duration 1.0.6 1.0.6 1.2.0 youtube
md5 2.2.1 2.2.1 2.3.0 youtube
node-cache 5.0.1 5.0.1 5.1.2 youtube
ytdl-core 3.4.2 3.4.2 4.0.0 youtube

Think about the stops of youtube music at 75% of the song and, for me, it 's a cause of the ydtl-core and googleapis library. Can we work together to merge the last youtube plugin 1.05 with auth.json and authtoken.json file?
Can you post your configuration on package.json file and understand if only the 3.4.2 ytdl-core configuration works?

Thanks bye!

Well, I followed all the steps as explained, I think in detail.
When I enter the API keys and hit Save, it doesn’t give me any code.
When I go to the plugin, it tells me that I do not have the permissions to enter my account.
Otherwise it works fine, but I would like to be able to log in with my account …

@queengab i solved that problem with a other dac now it’s running smooth no cuts …
(saber 9038 dac dragonfly ) btw it seems that there is no coder on the plugin any more

@danielfelix if you having problems getting code try to put it in front of your network…
this can help some times…

…if you having problems getting code try to put it in front of your network…
this can help some times…

I don’t understand … can you comment on this in detail?

in my network i have multiple things connected if i put let say a firewall or other great things in my network it can block in some cases you from getting the code i had that with mine ( firewalla ),
when i removed it from my network i get the code every time if i add it it’s not possible to get the codes.
so it could be that some other thing is blocking it …

No, there is no way. Maybe I have something wrong with the Key?

Uhm, so if you encounter playback stopped like a few days ago… could some mastermind explain what
the needed steps are to get it working again?

Thanks a lot for your tip !

It has fixed my YT playback that was KO for several days (the search was still ok - only the playback was dead)

@framboiseMusicale your welcome :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for this incredible work, I definitely will follow you and your work on youtube

I followed the instructions reported here within this discussion to use the project/plugins of patrickkfkhan - https://github.com/patrickkfkan/volumio-plugins with my Google Youtube Data API key/secret on volumio - 2.834. I also updated the node package of ytdl-core as explained “npm install ytdl-core@latest”.

Instructions to install the plugin are defined here : https://github.com/ch007m/home-devices/blob/master/volumio.md#step-by-step-instructions-using-forked-plugin

I can make a search on youtube using the Volumio UI but when I click to listen a video, then the following error occurs and then I cannot hear the sound.

Is it the plugin whic reports this error “Error: Video is not valid” ? How can we fix it or troubleshoot ?

Nov 07 13:37:37 volumio volumio[1193]: info: An error occurred while exploding URI: Error: Video is not valid
Nov 07 13:37:37 volumio volumio[1193]: info: Youtube -> {"kind":"youtube#video","etag":"jAFQJWPkL9lkiP7aREf4chJ2_iU","id":"L9r-NxuYszg","snippet":{"publishedAt":"2012-03-21T12:59:47Z","channelId":"UCAwtOYAYMI8oQzyPO6xFYEQ","title":"Van Halen Eruption Guitar Solo","description":"The best ever guitar solo of Van Halen  (New Haven, Connecticut)\n(Many peoples asking, what's the 'song/part' name at the begin': it's the \"316\")\nWiki: \"It was of their performance on August 27, 1986 at New Haven's Veterans Memorial Coliseum\"","thumbnails":{"default":{"url":"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/L9r-NxuYszg/default.jpg","width":120,"height":90},"medium":{"url":"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/L9r-NxuYszg/mqdefault.jpg","width":320,"height":180},"high":{"url":"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/L9r-NxuYszg/hqdefault.jpg","width":480,"height":360},"standard":{"url":"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/L9r-NxuYszg/sddefault.jpg","width":640,"height":480},"maxres":{"url":"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/L9r-NxuYszg/maxresdefault.jpg","width":1280,"height":720}},"channelTitle":"Hazardteam","tags":["Live Without A Net","Eruption","Van Halen","guitar solo","Van Halen Live","Eddie Van Halen Solo","Live Concert","Live Music","Eddie Van Halen","Sammy Hagar","Guitar Solo","best","live","HD","hd","(Live Without A Net '86)","love","yt:quality=high","yt:crop=16:9"],"categoryId":"10","liveBroadcastContent":"none","localized":{"title":"Van Halen Eruption Guitar Solo","description":"The best ever guitar solo of Van Halen  (New Haven, Connecticut)\n(Many peoples asking, what's the 'song/part' name at the begin': it's the \"316\")\nWiki: \"It was of their performance on August 27, 1986 at New Haven's Veterans Memorial Coliseum\""}},"contentDetails":{"duration":"PT13M6S","dimension":"2d","definition":"hd","caption":"true","licensedContent":false,"contentRating":{},"projection":"rectangular"}}

Another problem that I would like to report with Google Youtube - OAuth consent screen is that we cannot select anymore as user type - internal excepted if you are a GSuite user

And by consequence (I think so), that implies that we provide external URLs accessible to verify/consent to our request. This has been confirmed by an email I got from Google

Thanks for your patience while we reviewed your project.

The homepage/privacy policy URL your provided either cannot be reached, or is a test URL:

We can’t verify your project until all the URLs can be reached and are ready for production.

Please make sure your homepage and privacy policy URLs are publicly accessible, and aren’t temporary or test URLs. You can then apply for OAuth App verification again. Please reply to this email after you’ve made these changes, and we’ll continue with the verification process.

Just wan’t to say thx to all the DEV here that make this program / plugin posble. hope anyone can fine a solution to the problem :

" Error: The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your quota. "

greats !

on RPI 4B 8GB + LCD