let’s wait, let’s flash Balena. Pi Imager has already flashed
I cannot understand where the dot at the end of the freshly loaded and unpacked volumio.img comes from in Balena, in any case this tool seems to be very error-prone even after an update…
Try : “Flash from URL”
Hey @Radio-M1,
This is a known issue with balenaEtcher 1.9.xx:
Please use previous version; 1.18.12 or older will work just fine.
A note on Pi Imager - as @Wheaten and @Gelo5 pointed out already - customizing Volumio image will break plethora of inter-dependencies. The only customization needed are with Volumio UI, not a flashing tool.
Once you have a vanilla Volumio OS flashed, please share the usual files.
Kind Regards,
o.k. and thanks nerd(and all the otherone`s ;-)), I’m testing, files follow…
Has anyone tried the new official Raspberry Pi Display-2 yet? I’m thinking about ordering one, but it’d be reassuring to know that it works properly with the Touch Display plugin.
hi nerd
cmdline.zip (512 Bytes)
dmesg.zip (11.1 KB)
lsmod_balenoflash.zip (1.2 KB)
userconfig.zip (240 Bytes)
ls -latr /boot/* > boot_list.txt command does not create a file in /boot/
Hey @Radio-M1,
Please add to the userconfig.txt scope the following:
Command to create output file in /boot would be:
ls -latr /boot/* > /boot/boot_list.txt
I think it is much better to use volumio user home:
cd ~
ls -latr /boot/* > boot_list.txt
Kind Regards,
uhh sorry…
boot_list.zip (3.8 KB)
userconfig.zip (264 Bytes)
After negotiating with your screen supplier (Pisichen Amazon DE seller), which agreed on sale outside Germany, I should receive hardware anywhere between 15-20 November. Until I have direct access to the hardware I am placing further help for this screen on hold. Perhaps other community members can step in in a meanwhile.
Kind Regards,
you are (a) phantastic, NERD…
thank you for your support so far, best regards and hope everything will be fine…
in the meantime, connect the rpi to e.g. a TV monitor and check if Volumio works.
Maybe it’s not the monitor’s fault, maybe it’s a poorly recorded image?
ok, Gelo5, i make test‘s, info follows…
volumio image seems to be OK, everything is OK on the monitor (with HDMI) with Volumio OS & Pi4…
!blank screen on Pis.
1280x400 ISP HDMI Touch Display…!
install Touch display and check (TV) ~15min
Volumio Touch plugin…?
o.k., answer follows…
Volumio Touch plugin installed, started, and Volumio grafic works on HDMI Standard CPU Monitor(24“)…
Don’t turn off RPI, switch HDMI to 1280x400 and see the screen
ahhhh:man_facepalming:, msg. saw too late, pi restarted with 1280x400 display, no change here, display blank…