[PLUGIN] Touch Display


Connections: Only the flat cable to the display. plus 5V to the hat from the 40 pins connector.

How does the touch screen behave without the PiFi Digi+?

First installation of 3.5.1 ran in an error. Tried again and now I see 3.5.2 ready to install.

Have not tried without the hat. Can do.

Shall I install the plugin in version 3.5.2?

This happens on Bookworm based systems.

Touch Display 3.5.2 should not be available on the latest stable Volumio release, i.e. 3.757 as of today. Please provide the version number of your Volumio system.

I am on 3.757 but clicked on enable test for plugins and system in /dev.
But I am on the plugin version 3.5.1 now and unplugged the pifi digi + hat.
I also switched audio to “headset” and disabled I2C.

Screen is upside down though I set the 180° turn setting in the plugin and restarted the volumio.

It’s strange that you see version 3.5.2 (beta) then. I just checked on a Pi 3B with an original 7" touchscreen running Volumio 3.757 and see 3.5.1 (beta) as the highest available version…

Could you start with a fresh Volumio 3.757 installation where you only enable “Plugins Test Mode” and then install Touch Display plugin 3.5.1 (beta)?

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Hey @Radio-M1,

There is some magic going on. Kernel parameters are expanded from somewhere:

… coherent_pool=1M 8250.nr_uarts=0 snd_bcm2835.enable_headphones=0 snd_bcm2835.enable_headphones=1 snd_bcm2835.enable_hdmi=1 snd_bcm2835.enable_hdmi=0 video=HDMI-A-1:640x480M@60D smsc95xx.macaddr=D8:3A:DD:0F:56:7D vc_mem.mem_base=0x3ec00000 vc_mem.mem_size=0x40000000 splash video=HDMI-A-1:1280x400M@60D plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles dwc_otg.fiq_enable=1 dwc_otg.fiq_fsm_enable=1 dwc_otg.fiq_fsm_mask=0xF dwc_otg.nak_holdoff=1 quiet console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty1 imgpart=…

It is like a variable config for Pi4 is injected.

Please run and share zipped:

ls -latr /boot/* > boot_list.txt

Kind Regards,

hi nerd; here is the file…

Best wishes from ReyNee from Radio-M1,the only one…Tyrol/Austria

boot_list.zip (3.8 KB)

Sorry, I activated my account here just yesterday, so I could only reply 3 times on every answer on the first day! - very annoying :-/

I am on a fresh 3.757 now. DAC is not attached. Activated plugin test mode and installed the touch screen plugin v. 3.5.1 (beta).
Screen was upside down, but alligned with the touch.

Add your custom config.txt options to this file, which will be preserved during updates

Touch Display rotation setting below: do not alter


(Came via the plugin settings)
helped to flip the screen and touch.
Touch still only triggers the action if done really fast/short.

I would love to go on with debugging my installation this evening.

Probably a measure of spam defence hitting new forum members.

So, with Touch Display plugin 3.5.1 (beta) setting rotation to 180 deg. succeeded, i.e. the rotation issue appears to be solved. Can you confirm, that changing to rotation from 0 to 180 deg. and vice versa works?

For the touch issue I can’t replicate although my Pi 3 system I mentioned above has pretty much the same configuration as yours. It might be helpful to check whether the same problem also occurs under Raspberry Pi OS.

yes I can confirm switching from 0 to 180 and back works fine.
I will try my hardware settup with Raspb. OS and give feedback here.

What I recognized: The play button changes color to green when touched.every time.
But the play action is only executed when touching only a very short time.
Sometimes the hamburger menu get’s opened when touching this button longer.
Is there set place we could set a “long touch period” in the code?
Do you have any other ideas to narrow down this phenomenon?

Do you know how I could log touch/on_click events to console to find out what is going on?
Have you ever worked with evtest?

Raspberry Pi OS 32bit works fine,

I think I found the issue.
The screen conponents had slightly shifted against each other.
This happened already sometimes in the past because of the pimoroni stand not having support for the glass panes of the screen on the bottom.

Sorry for bothering you gvolt!
And thank you very much for your support and the very nice plugin!
Keep on coding!


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Hey @Radio-M1,

These two are looking interesting:

-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 492 Oct 30 09:43 /boot/user-data
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 202 Oct 30 09:43 /boot/network-.con

Can you post content of both files please (zip will also do)?

Kind Regards,

hi nerd; I think that this data is interesting too… :slight_smile:

which parameters (from the two files)are wrong/ should be changed? :wink:

greets de reynee