No, I didn’t do anything through ssh at all. What commands do I need to give from start to finish? Thanks for the answer. I am very bad at this topic.
I’ve done everything. Screen is black after reboot.
let’s wait for @gvolt comes online, he’s the master on this.
Thank you. I’m trying now 3.5 inch GPIO display - Black Screen - #4 by gvolt ,but no result.
Thank you. Everything worked according to the instructions.
So it’s solved now?
Hello again. The problem was solved yesterday, but not completely: the screen does not respond to clicks, in any way. Tell me, what could be?
Touch part is not yet installed and / or configured @gvolt could you…
In the touch display plugin you can enable a pointer,
then you could see if there is a responce when you press on the screen.
turned on, zero reaction
Do you have a link to the seller of your screen brand ?
Then we could find the info of the board and look what for the parts
You need for the install of the touch.
No, he had been lying idle for a long time…
3.5 has multiple versions of it is there any info on the board ?
Oke it looks like a
If you should currently use “dtoverlay=piscreen” remove that.
How to do it? Where to look?
Understood. Thanks. I’m trying.