Hi volumio community,
SmartQueue plugin available for testing. You can test it as follow:
git clone https://github.com/chourmovs/volumio-plugins-sources.git
cd volumio-plugins-sources/smartqueue
volumio plugin install
Plugin submitted to Volumio 3 plugin store. If you do not see it there, enable “Plugins Test Mode” in http://<volumio_address>/dev
. If you still do not see it, that means the plugin has not yet been accepted and you are advised to wait.
Platform: armv7l, aarch64, x86_64
Dependencies installed: python3-requests, shellinabox
Tested on: Volumio primo, rpi3 and x86.
What is the purpose here :
Smarqueue plugin, like infinity playback native feature, will launch a python script that monitor the end of the queue, if last track is detected, behavior will vary following 2 options:
1 - If Lastfm infinite mix is ticked, it launch a request to lastfm API to find similar tracks, search this tracks in your database using “mpc search” and add found matches in the queue, then complete the queue up to <tracks # parameter>, by a simple mpc search genre in your database.
2 - If Blissify infinite mix is ticked AND you’ve launched bissify-rs by Pelochon street installation script AND scanned your library, another process will attempt to add tracks based on their musical proximity (euclidean distance calculation) up to <tracks # parameter>. This is very efficient here, please test it
I’ve also added a “drift” parameter to avoid being stuck in “always the same similar set of tracks”
For the moment, plugin has only english location,I will attempt to “localize” it later
Please test it and give me your feedback !
Note :
- Scanning media library can be a slightly long process (only 400-1000 files / hours)
- Activating blissify mix will override Lastfm mix.