[PLUGIN] Now Playing

Since updating Volumio OS to current version as of this date, weather has disappeared (set up via the “now playing” plug in.) I tried reverting from a backup I made using the “backup and restore” plugin, but that did not work. I’m still on the latest Volumio OS version (running on a rPi4.) I re-entered my geographical coordinates, and tried entering some far away coordinates to see if it was a local weather data provider issue, but it apparently isn’t. I haven’t changed any of the other settings. Tried restarts and cold shutdowns. I did notice many new screensaver images came with the update. But I did not make that change. Would appreciate help, I do use the weather info. Thanks.

Install patch/ver 0.5.5

Thank you, just did that and also updated “touch display” plug. Seems to be working.

Continuing the discussion from [PLUGIN] Now Playing:

Hi , I need some help. I’ve only black background on my display .Version is 05.5 on fresh install.Ip address is correct. Also preview push button works now and then.tks

Have you played with the settings in the plugin? Or restored a backup form older versions?

If both are answered with, uninstall the plugin and reinstall it.

It’s not the first time that I play and install this plugin. Always working fine but not this time. I did it several time in all configurations. It doesn’t work. Also preview doesn’t work. I tested all the configuration possible but still not results.

Not saying that you don’t know what you do, but the lack of information given by you Is for me just a guessing exercise…

  • Volumio which version and don’t say the latest
  • Screen resolution?

First make sure Kiosk is set to Now Playing (near the end of the settings)

Maybe font colours set to black? Or 0 font size? Try putting everything to default.

When you get it working, back up your settings.

In plugin settings, what’s the value of “Now Playing URL”?

Hello ,
Would you please tell me how do I see the wheather on the display ? I have set the geographics coordinates , but see only the dates …

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51.924419,4.477733 aka rotterdam :slight_smile:

What coordinates did you set?

47.1662970, 27.5534638 Iași România

added a space 2 it? no spaces with coordinates only the ,

It’s working here:

Maybe provide some logs…

I see only this

I need to set other options in the plugin ?

From your logs:

error: [now-playing] API endpoint weather/fetchInfo returned error: Error: Could not access weather service: missing geographic coordinates.

This could happen if you didn’t provide them or the value could not be parsed as numbers – which is strange because they work for me (I assume you copied and pasted them from the plugin settings?)

Exactly …

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Oh, wait. I realize further down the logs say “could not obtain API key”, which is just as strange because this should have been fixed in v0.5.5

We will receive a new version ?