OLED spectrum display on Volumio on Raspberry Pi Zero W

I tested with an SSD1306 but I have been unable to cause the offset to change in normal operation (I was previously able to do this by increasing the I2C baudrate). What I did instead was to add code to create an offset change in the display loop, and I could see this occurring and being corrected, and so I believe the previous fix for this is still working to correct changes to the offset.

You might like to try the development version of mpd_oled, as this includes different driver code and has a specific driver for the SSD1309

Before following the instructions, first stop and disable the current mpd_oled service fwith

sudo systemctl stop mpd_oled
sudo systemctl disable mpd_oled

The libu8g2arm build takes quite a while. After mpd_oled is built and installed, the test command line would be, e.g.

mpd_oled -o SSD1309,128X64,I2C -f 25 -b 15

This version of mpd_oled has no correction for the scroll offset, as I am unsure if it is an issue that is specific to the old driver code and so will wait for a report with the new driver code before adding it in.

Wow it works !
Thank you very much for your help.
I see little different font but without any scrolling issues.

Great! I am pleased it is working.

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I use volumio 2 with pi2 (I prefer). Unfortunately, the codes or plugins provided only work with volumio 3.
Is there a possibility to make them work with volumio 2? Can you send me some code for that?

Page not found :frowning: - mpd_oled/install_volumio2_deb.md at master · antiprism/mpd_oled · GitHub

Have you published anywhere else?

Thank you


The mpd_oled repository includes all the old mpd_oled code, and the last change that included support for Volumio 2 is

Volumio2: build last version of cava with bundled libiniparser · antiprism/mpd_oled@3de8a17 · GitHub

However, Volumio 2 is unsupported by Volumio and towards the end of its life it had a broken compiler, which meant mpd_oled could no longer be built on it

Cannot install build-essential package

I therefore stopped supporting mpd_oled on Volumio 2.

If you want to run mpd_oled on Volumio 2 you could, maybe, build binaries on Raspbian Jessie, and then copy the various mpd_oled binaries and scripts to the Volumio 2 machine.



I have just updated the mpd_oled repository and binary package with a change to the way that the mpd_oled service starts, for compatibility with Moode 8.3.2. I have tested the direct mpd_oled install on current volumio, and it is working fine, but I have not tested whether these changes interfere with the mpd_oled Volumio 3 plugin install. If there are issues then the previous mpd_oled binary package is still available to use in the plugin

Packages for mpd_oled


I just tried it, the mpd oled does not start with the Volumio 3 mpd oled plugin version 1.1.1