Official Raspberry Pi touch screen


I am using latest Volumio with Rpi 3 and official raspberry pi touch screen and can see Linux shell but not web UI for Volumio.
Is there a guide on what needs to be done in order to enable web UI on a touch screen?

Thanks in advance

Volumio is a headless player which you can access using a webbrowser.

If you want the same Pi to also be the client, than you have to install a browser like Chrome/Firefox, set the default page to the Volumio webUI and configure your boot process to automatically start the browser at boot time.

Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk

We’re going to make a plugin for that…

When will the plugin be available?

I really don’t know… Probably 2 months…

Oh I see. In a meantime I will try one of the solutions from the forum.

Thank you.

Yes, and if you can put together a script to automatically install everything, please let me know and we’ll package it into a plugin

@michelangelo I am not familiar with Linux so won’t be able to script anything sorry.
I will just simple follow what others already tried and copy / paste code.


Im searching for an Option to turn off the backlight, when turn off volumio. And a quicklier Start to WEBUI. can someone help me?

Sorry for my englisch. Im from germany.

My Hardware:

Raspberry Pi 3 B
Official 7" Touch Screen
PiFi DAC+ V2.0
4GB Class10 microSD Card

How can I rotate the touchscreen in Volumio2? My display is mounted upside down in its frame. There is no settings abillity in the pluggin section…

Thanks in advance!

MicroSD in PC -> open “config.txt” -> add a New line with “lcd_rotate=2”->save->Et Voila :wink:



installing Touch Screen Plugin stops at 70% where debconf has troubles with the terminal and switches to dump mode. It expects a user choice of a keyboard layout. Has anyone got a solution for this?

debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
Configuring keyboard-configuration

Please select the layout matching the keyboard for this machine.


I’m new to volumio - well, to be honest, I haven’t set it up yet because first of all I was looking for a way to control my DIY-sleeping-room-media-center (Pi3, Volumio2, Hifiberry AMP*+ and the touch screen) using a touchscreen. So, searching the web for solutions I stumbled upon your news: … ic-player/
and was already jumping in my bed. I ordered the touch screen right then, but since I’ve read something on the Hifiberry Website about GPIOs I found out that the AMP+ needs the SDA and SCL GPIOs. The display needs them, too.
(So, I have the display already running on my “old” Pi2 with Openelec as a digital video recorder only without those GPIOs conneted - and it works for what it is supposed to do. But this is another usage, I know.).

As you already noticed I’m relatively new to the whole Pi-surrounding universe and have to make my steps. But I’m just hot on Pi-related DIY projects, have some ideas what to do next (some retro gaming machine, probably) and I’m willing to learn :stuck_out_tongue:

Could you please please help me achieve my goal?

Thank you very much,

all the best,

I have the same issue. Any idea for a solution please ?
Thank you !!!

Yes … i had the same error …

  1. unplug the keyboard
  2. reboot
  3. install the plugin again (with unplugged keyboard)

then it works … for me.

thanks for your help. But i have no keyboard plugged.

Hi all,
I followed instructions given there : … ic-player/
but i am still stuck at 70% with the keyboard configuration. But I have no keyboard !!!
Could someone help me configuring the touchscreen please ?
Thank you

I have exactly the same problem. Any solution?

Finally I could install it, works very well, congratulations.

I recommend unplugging any device usb or wireless keyboard.
