No volume control used, as I use my amplifier for it. So output set to 100%
The plugin through Volumio works great. thanks for the fast sprint getting this up and running again.
The only issues I’ve found are with Spotify Connect.
If volumio is playing from Spotify and I use the Spotify app on my iPhone and output to Volumio, Volumio gets confused. The previous playlist stops, but with the info received from the iPhone it start skipping tracks like crazy. After 10-30 tracks it’s stabilizes again. But then the showed Album art , title and Artist are incorrect.
After stopping the iPhone app, Volumio tries to continue with the previous loaded playlist and the skipping starts again. Also after 10-30 tracks it stabilizes again. In this case showed Album art , title and Artist are correct
behavior is easy to reproduce, even without using Spotify Connect feature:
Volumio for Raspberry Pi (5.10.92+ armv6l) Version 3.2.51
Same as the first version:
-Soptify login OK
-Can select spotify playlist and add it to queue
-Play/pause status not change when click.
-User interface still not working, song time never updated. If refresh web browser shows the new time but not updated it. When click in the volume the play time is updated.
-Don’t play next track, when update user interface still in the same song and playing time is bigger than song time.
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
Version of Volumio: 3.251
Hw audio configured: Allo BOSS
Network: WLAN
Volumio Free account, Spotify Premium account.
Hi, thanks for continuous improving of the Spotify plugin. I’ve installed latest update and found following issue - when I play an album and pause it for some time (e.g. due to incoming phone call), then when I try to continue playback after some time (unpause), I receive “Spotify Connect API Error - Not Found” and playback can’t be resumed this way, I have to search for the album again and start playing on my own. Moreover, playback was controlled directly via Volumio web UI at that time, I was not connected using Spotify Connect from another device (PC, phone).
Log for this behavior:
Twice since yesterday also happened strange situation that after start of playing of some album, it played just one second of the track and then skipped to another track, after some time this stabilized. But I can’t say how to reproduce this behavior at the moment as this appears randomly.
Problem with stopping playback after playing only one track almost disappeared (since yesterday, after Spotify plugin update it happened again once for unknown reason)
Which device:
Name: Volumio3Dev
Model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3
Which version: Volumio 3.179
DAC: Jabra Link 370
Network: Wired
Type of account
Volumio: Free
Spotify: Premium
Pandora 2.11.1
Spotify 2.03 BETA-2
System Information 3.0.0
Confirmed when pausing Spotify for a long time (30 mins) the “Spotify Connect API Error not Found”. Was able to restart by selecting a track from the queue. I had to select it twice.
Many thanks, fresh install and simple instructions had my Pi system back to full Spotify streaming in under an hour, I´m sure to much more time spent updating the software so big thanks.
Can use the Plugin and browse through Spotify. Unfortunately songs won‘t play. As mentioned before, can add songs, playlists to to queue, but they simply won‘t play.
Spotify connect is not showing new plugin/device on android (when connecting to device). I checked several times and restarted devices and app on android without result. Devices are visible on spotify on PC. Devices were also visible when old plugin was installed.
4 raspi version 3/4
2 with old plugin “Volumio Spotify Connect2” (named: Badkamer & Keuken) both with volumio 3.251, one on wifi, other wired.
2 with new plugin “Spotify”, (named: Huiskamer & Slaapkamer) 1 with volumio 3.251 and other with volumio 3.301, both wired.
hy everybody ! I have a problem with the new pluggin:
If i use " spotify connect" spotify pluggin stop the music form the " spotify connect" and switch all the playlist last read, more ! don’t read any song, juste switch …
Thank’s guy’s for you’re job !
Dac hifiberry HD
Volumio premium
Spotify premium
I have a question. With this new spotify plug-in, after we write credentials, are we supposed to see the spotify icon and/or spotify menu on the side like we normally do, or it is now something different?
My problem is, i can not see spotify anywhere on volumio screen both rp3 and webpage (volumio.local)
I have tried the update and it works fine, but today it had an unwanted behavior, some tracks quickly go to the next one and for the last time the playback stopped.
If the playlist could load more than 200 songs it would be great, even if it was in the premium version.
just for sake of completeness - I still have this error ("[Vollibrespot] : SessionError: Connection reset by peer (os error 104)" - see Handle reconnection for Sessions · Issue #134 · librespot-org/librespot · GitHub) after 2-10 songs or so. Not a specific error of this plugin but a general one in my network with RapsberryPie+librespot (same on moode or with the old version of volspotconnect).
I used to love volumio as it was the only software offering a “built-in” solution, which didnt base on librespot and just worked. Guess it’s over now