New 2023 Spotify Plugin

Guess we’re the only ones having this issue? Anyone else have problems loading playlists?

No, working properly for me.

not working for me either… connected via Ethernet. Spotify shows up in the device list but sometimes won’t connect. Only a restart of the plugin or Volumio helps.

Starting Live Log…
info: CorePlayQueue::getQueue
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getHwuuid
info: CALLMETHOD: music_service inputs serialMonitorAction [object Object]
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: inputs , serialMonitorAction
info: Error : CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: No method [serialMonitorAction] in plugin inputs
info: CALLMETHOD: system_controller motivocontrol displaySelection [object Object]
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: motivocontrol , displaySelection
info: CALLMETHOD: system_controller system enableLiveLog true
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , enableLiveLog
info: Launching a new LiveLog session

I had the same effect today. I can‘t connect to volumio Spotify. System restart wont help. After I played One Song with my raspotify, It works again with my Volumio! Very strange :thinking:

@volumio Is there any update on the new Volumio Spotify Plugin.

Seems like the Spotify can´t connect to the API. Me phone says connecting … .
This is from my live log after I tried to resume last played:

Starting Live Log...
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getCachedIPAddresses
time="2024-04-26T11:23:25+02:00" level=debug msg="handling transfer player command from 1a121937b39fb68408ece16cc78a3dd61bfd280f"
time="2024-04-26T11:23:25+02:00" level=trace msg="fetched new page 0 with 1 items (list: 1)"
time="2024-04-26T11:23:25+02:00" level=warning msg="failed handling dealer request" error="failed seeking to track: could not find track"
time="2024-04-26T11:23:29+02:00" level=debug msg="handling transfer player command from 1a121937b39fb68408ece16cc78a3dd61bfd280f"
time="2024-04-26T11:23:29+02:00" level=trace msg="fetched new page 0 with 1 items (list: 1)"
time="2024-04-26T11:23:29+02:00" level=warning msg="failed handling dealer request" error="failed seeking to track: could not find track"
info: CALLMETHOD: system_controller system enableLiveLog true
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , enableLiveLog
info: Launching a new LiveLog session
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioVolatilePlay
info: CoreStateMachine::volatilePlay
info: Spotify Play
info: Sending Spotify command to local API: /player/resume
time="2024-04-26T11:24:27+02:00" level=debug msg="put connect state inactive"
time="2024-04-26T11:24:27+02:00" level=trace msg="emitting websocket event: inactive"
SPOTIFY: received: {"type":"inactive","data":null}
error: Failed to decode event: inactive
time="2024-04-26T11:25:16+02:00" level=debug msg="handling transfer player command from 1a121937b39fb68408ece16cc78a3dd61bfd280f"
time="2024-04-26T11:25:17+02:00" level=trace msg="fetched new page 0 with 1 items (list: 1)"
time="2024-04-26T11:25:17+02:00" level=warning msg="failed handling dealer request" error="failed seeking to track: could not find track"
time="2024-04-26T11:25:19+02:00" level=debug msg="put connect state inactive"
time="2024-04-26T11:25:19+02:00" level=trace msg="emitting websocket event: inactive"
SPOTIFY: received: {"type":"inactive","data":null}
error: Failed to decode event: inactive
time="2024-04-26T11:25:22+02:00" level=debug msg="skipping packet PacketTypeMercuryEvent, len: 241"
time="2024-04-26T11:25:22+02:00" level=debug msg="skipping packet PacketTypeMercuryEvent, len: 1903"
time="2024-04-26T11:25:22+02:00" level=debug msg="skipping dealer message" uri=social-connect/v2/broadcast_status_update
time="2024-04-26T11:25:22+02:00" level=debug msg="skipping dealer message" uri=social-connect/v2/session_update
time="2024-04-26T11:25:22+02:00" level=debug msg="skipping packet PacketTypeMercuryEvent, len: 1504"
time="2024-04-26T11:25:23+02:00" level=debug msg="skipping dealer message" uri=social-connect/v2/session_update
time="2024-04-26T11:25:30+02:00" level=debug msg="handling transfer player command from 1a121937b39fb68408ece16cc78a3dd61bfd280f"
time="2024-04-26T11:25:30+02:00" level=trace msg="fetched new page 0 with 1 items (list: 1)"
time="2024-04-26T11:25:30+02:00" level=warning msg="failed handling dealer request" error="failed seeking to track: could not find track"
time="2024-04-26T11:25:34+02:00" level=debug msg="handling transfer player command from 1a121937b39fb68408ece16cc78a3dd61bfd280f"
time="2024-04-26T11:25:34+02:00" level=trace msg="fetched new page 0 with 1 items (list: 1)"
time="2024-04-26T11:25:34+02:00" level=warning msg="failed handling dealer request" error="failed seeking to track: could not find track"

Looks like I have to boot my raspotify again! :smirk:

works ok here.
something else (network?) is wrong for you

It plays webradio without a problem. Only Spotify is the problem.
Last time I could switch to Volumio Spotify after I played one song over my raspotify.
Today it wont work. Can´t connect to Volumio Spotify API.
Strange is the API says it receives volume.

info: touch_display: Setting screensaver timeout to 120 seconds.
time="2024-04-26T11:44:18+02:00" level=debug msg="handling transfer player command from 1a121937b39fb68408ece16cc78a3dd61bfd280f"
time="2024-04-26T11:44:18+02:00" level=trace msg="fetched new page 0 with 1 items (list: 1)"
time="2024-04-26T11:44:18+02:00" level=warning msg="failed handling dealer request" error="failed seeking to track: could not find track"
time="2024-04-26T11:44:21+02:00" level=debug msg="handling transfer player command from 1a121937b39fb68408ece16cc78a3dd61bfd280f"
time="2024-04-26T11:44:21+02:00" level=trace msg="fetched new page 0 with 1 items (list: 1)"
time="2024-04-26T11:44:21+02:00" level=warning msg="failed handling dealer request" error="failed seeking to track: could not find track"
time="2024-04-26T11:44:22+02:00" level=debug msg="put connect state inactive"
time="2024-04-26T11:44:22+02:00" level=trace msg="emitting websocket event: inactive"
SPOTIFY: received: {"type":"inactive","data":null}
error: Failed to decode event: inactive

I have the same error log, My spotify Playlist ( create by myself ) is not loading, but Official Spotify playlist is ok.
The strange things is that 2 days ago it works, then failed again, maybe the Spotify site had change something in the my playlist format ?? Hope it can be fixed.

Same problem +1

Same problem


Not sure how to approach this one. Raspotify hasn’t had development or upgrades for 1+ year and it’s not acting nice with Volumio.
Hard to determine a root cause.


I have a problem for months now. Autoplay is not working at all when using the plugin and spotify connect. I have tried to reinstall the plugin, reboot etc a few times but didn’t change anything.
When it gets to the last song in the current list it just stops palying. If I try to manually start play or skip to the next song, it will just play the last song again…

Log link:

Volumio and spotify plugin is updated to latest, running on Pi Zero 2 W.


Got confirmation that Volumio will start improving the plugin, now the Motivo has launched. No ETA yet.


Work on the plugin has resumed.

What we are working on:

  • Improving general stability (lot of improvements there)
  • Adding gapless playback (further work needed on the daemon)
  • Allow Spotify to be discovered and used in the same network (by wives etc) when logged in.

Keep the feedbacks coming. What is appreaciated:

  • Logs: paste the log link after your problem occurs
  • Detail what the problem is: what has happened, what are the circumstances, what was the desired behaviour
  • Do not post about old plugins (like someone is doing)



Great to hear gapless is on the menu. I use multiroom to synch mostly DJ mixes across multiple sound systems and it’s really frustrating to have to use only Tidal for this purpose currently. You can’t be having gaps in DJ mixes when you’re having a party!

I have problem to load my playlist on spotify plugin v4,0,4. on raspberry Pi 4
The playlist created my own no load. No problem with the rest of playlist or Spatify functions.
Have any solution?

In the last week, my volumio (on Raspberry Pi Zero 2) some become super slow when using the Spotify plugin

Here are some logs - can anyone help?

logs.txt (103.1 KB)

To give an example. I just tried to play an album. It took a really long time to start playing, played for about 5 seconds then stopped again.

Update: we had a major setback with the release, since gapless playback is not working as realiably as we would like.
However, we are on it. Our goal is to have something in about 10 days