New 2023 Spotify Plugin

No, working fine for me.

Raspberry Pi4 b 2gb ram
St400 Dac hat (pcm5122)
Latest prototype volumio image
Waveshare 7 inch from and use parameters.

Initial tests:
After install spotify plugin, restart then enable spotify plugin and log in account.
After, browse a song from spotify after clicking it seems not loading a content on a screen please see the video : touch display .mp4 - Google Drive

please read carefully what I wrote.

posting a video is USELESS to understand your problem

please post a system log

Replying to my own thread here. I sent in a log but here’s the error I’m getting when trying to load playlists:

info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: spop , handleBrowseUri
info: In handleBrowseUri, curUri=spotify/playlists
(node:910) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of null
at ControllerSpotify._getAlbumArt (/data/plugins/music_service/spop/index.js:1078:54)
at /data/plugins/music_service/spop/index.js:1411:44
at runMicrotasks ()
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
(node:910) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag --unhandled-rejections=strict (see Command-line API | Node.js v21.7.2 Documentation). (rejection id: 5)

Rpi 4
HiFiBerry DAC+ light
system version 3.631

Hi everyone, I set up a volumio a couple of years ago with a cheap jaycar DAC. It was completely unusable, I worked my way through all DACs in the list at least four times. there was a couple of DAC selections that would work every 15 or so reboots, needless to say I gave it up as a bad joke. Thoough Spotify at the time worked really well.

I have got my self a HiFiBerry DAC now as the one in my car works great. anyway it is actually working! I have a question about SPOTIFY Plugin, it seems this new version wants your phone to login and push music from the phone to the rasberry pi. Am I understanding this correctly?

There are 2 ways to control Spotify:

  • From the Spotify app on your phone (or other device) using Spotify connect (built into the Spotify Plugin). Choose the output device from the Spotify App
  • OR from Volumio you can browse Spotify from the main browse page (http://volumio/browse)

It is a little unstable yet as they are working on a new daemon. I have to start with the app and then browse sometimes.


Is there any update on the updated daemon version? Do you need beta testers?

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Hi, are there any news to the queue issue?

thanks Glenn, Ill give it a try

Yes just came here to see if anyone else is having this issue. Spotify plugin 4.04 , volumio 3.6.37 very similar hardware to asktheightball.

Exactly the same error log.


I’ll ask again, I do not fully understand how the plugin is built in order to see whether i could contribute. I’ve found the spotify plugin repo I believe at volumio-plugins-sources/spotify at master · volumio/volumio-plugins-sources · GitHub

However most of this seems to use vollibrepot or something? Where’s that located? Is there some manual to get started?

The plugin has been quite annoying for half a year now. There’s no sign of proper fixes. I know I can’t complain too much, but not seeing improvements is frustrating. Especially since Balbuzes original plugin was awesome, this really is a step back. Personally, I do not understand why you’re focusing so much on the interface anyway. As Spotify does that already for us. We only really need a proper Spotify connect implementation…


Hi Folks,

I´d like the volumio player on my raspi very much and mostly I listen to Spotify.
Last time I`ve got much problems playing album, because the playback stops after one song.
If I klick the next song in my phone, volumio is not connected anymore and I have to reconnect.
I’ve got another raspi with raspotify which plays all album without any problem.

What could be the problem?

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Please use this thread for all things Spotify.

Many thanks for the information.
That fix my problem :grinning:

But only for one day! Three day later I try to connect, but wasn`t working. Spotify shows volumio and waiting for connection. So I need to switch back to my raspotify. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Could be your wifi. Can you connect your Pi to wired ethernet?

That was the first I tested with webradio. Courious after I listen over my raspotfiy, I can also listen with the volumio again! :thinking:

There is an issue, described above, that if you play a track via Spotify (Connect) and then, when it’s still playing, select a source via the Volumio UI (for example web radio, or local storage), it will become non-responsive. The way around it is to first press pause before switching. This works 100% of the time for me.

Or vice versa

Just updated to the new Volumio version 3.649 in the hope that something might make this plug-in behave. Stupid move. Now it doesn’t connect at all from mobile/PC. Losing patience with Volumio as a solution.


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