New 2023 Spotify Plugin

I need to do the same before I go slightly crazy waiting for the issues to be resolved. I tried looking for the 3.0.9 version without luck. Are you able to outline the steps that you went through, please? I’m guessing a few people will be interested in following them…


I just switched back to the old SD-Card with the previous Version of the OS, with the plugin already integreted. I have no clue if the Spotify plugin is available somewhere over the internet, sorry.

When a webradio or a local media is playing and I want to play spotify from the phone to volumio, when I choose Volumio device the playback of spotify starts over the allready playing media and the sound shutters because the volumio is trying to play 2 source in the same time. Why is happening this, the normal behavior was like stop actual media and the play spotify. I am missing something? Thanks! Rpi4 with USB sound blaster

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you could use dietpi. It’s a bit cluncky but ver reliable and it works with most DACs


That’s a very tempting idea. I have the Primo so I was hoping to keep everything standard Volumio, but much more of the ‘jumping’ and I may jump to DietPi and give that a go.

Thanks for the suggestion!

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While I’m desperately waiting, I’m a little curious as well… If I would like to contribute to the implementation of queue management, where can I find a way to start?

After literal years of struggling with my Primo, this plugin is what breaks the camels ears. Every other day I struggle with the playback just stopping and having to restart my dac, Spotify, Volumio or everything all together. But this thing can’t even manage to do moderately decent gapless playback without dropping the song for an audible second, and then cranking the volume back up and start playing again. Good thing i got a lifetime subscription, in 3 years I’ll give it another try.

I’m buying a bluesound node and will start to enjoy my installation again

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I normally don’t use Spotify but there’s friend asked me last night that he couldn’t play Spotify inside Volumio but no problem playing on the web browser. So, I tried on my Volumio and got the same problem. I could see all the music, playlists, etc. but it just wouldn’t play. All else plays fine including music files, Tidale, YouTube and Bandcamp.

Geekworm DACPi
Volumio 3.639
Spotify plugin 4.0.4
Touch Display 3.3.8
PeppyMeter 1.4.2

have you tried with disabling peppy, what are the results now?

I did but it didn’t help.

These are what I tried:

  1. In PeppyMeter, changed Also Configuration to “modular alsa”. - Didn’t help.
  2. Disable PeppyMeter - Didn’t help.
  3. Turn off “Multiroom Playback” - Didn’t help.

reinstall with peppy 1.5.0, but you need a factory reset…

Currently running without any problems:
rPi4-8GB, USB boot enabled
multiroom = on


  1. 80s80s Radio, version: ‘1.0.4’
  2. Radio Paradise, version: ‘1.0.3’
  3. Spotify, version: ‘4.0.4’
  4. AutoStart, version: ‘3.0.4’
  5. IR Remote Controller, version: ‘3.4.12’
  6. Rotary Encoder II, version: ‘1.0.22’
  7. Now Playing, version: ‘0.5.5’
  8. PeppyMeter Screensaver, version: ‘1.5.0’, DSD Native
  9. Randomizer, version: ‘3.1.2’
  10. Touch Display, version: ‘3.4.0’

I think I know where the problem is. Spotify Premium is required!!!

My free trial expired and now I’m on free version. :slight_smile:

haha yep that’s indeed required.

Yeah, just subscribed to a free 2 months on Premium Individual and now it’s working again. Magic!!! :slight_smile:

Thanks for your feedback. Appreciated!

Too bad… I don’t want to be too negative, since I really appreciate the effort they are putting in. And I must admit I have profited for free on that hard work for quite a while. But I understand that once that much money is invested… You are looking for a somewhat better experience.

Thx for your great work @phts
I do have a lot of playlists, so I used your solution on getMyPlaylists, to get all my playlists listed.

It’s a pity your sorting solution on artist and album year (based on release_date) didn’t end up correctly in the last release. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.

Hi everyone, I just want to ask if there’s anyone here has same issue with me. I’m having a hard time to fix this and i don’t know what’s the real problem. The touch screen function is fine. however, i don’t if the spotify and webradio is compatible with the latest prototype volumio image.
Raspberry pi 4 model b 2gb ram
St400 Dac hat( pcm5122)
Waveshare 7 inches touch screen lcd (B)
Prototype volumio image latest ver.
Boot from SSD

Can you check this video.

sending videos won’t help to understand your problem, please provide a detailed description of your issue and a system log

Hi all,

Is anyone having issues with “my playlists” not showing any information? Looks like a loading bar goes across the top and then nuthin.

I tried looking for info on this and couldn’t really find anything. TIA!

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