You are aware that Peppy_Meter is not an official plugin.
The creator of the plugin is aware on this and is in contact with Dev’s to get this sorted.
In short Spotify is not causing these problems, Peppy-Meter is.
Hi - I also have a problem since upgrading to the new version (4+). Mine is maybe a little different. Primo will be playing the song nicely and then it’s almost as if the needle jumped a little. It’s like a little stutter and then it continues. The logs don’t seem to show anything, it happens between getting chunks and doesn’t throw any log error → It’s not every song but probably averages an occurrence per every 2 to 3 songs played. I’m in Australia and using high speed internet (1Gbps service).
I hope you can find the issue because otherwise the plugin is great - many thanks for all your hard work on creating and maintaining it.
I am running 3.6.11. I attempted to play some tunes today like I do every week and was unable to connect to volumio from Spotify on my Ipad and iphone. When I choose “Volumio” from my device list in Spotify, It just said “connecting.” After restarting everything several times, I reinstalled and updated the Volumio spotify plugin (v4.0.4) and successfully authorized my account. Now volumio does not even show up in my device list to connect to from within Spotify. I’ve been using Volumio and Spotify for years and have never had this issue. Nothing on my network has changed. I can access and play all my stuff directly from the Volumio UI. I can also use the Tidal app as usual from my Ipad and phone. Could this be something caused by the Spotify service? I think they recently released an update. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Just started connecting again spontaneously after not being able to connect for most of the day. The only think that changed was Spotify 8.9.10 that installed automatically on both of my ios devices since i listened last. VooDoo.
i have a starred playlist that i play in reverse order (so newest tracks play first) and this doesn’t seem to work anymore with this plugin, when clicking the big play button from the spotify client while casting to volumio it plays the playlist in the wrong order (oldest first) and when i click individual tracks to play them it does so but then adds the only the newest song in the playlist to the queue no matter which track i click
there is a config file problem where normalisation pregain and external volume the yaml config file for the go-librespot daemon don’t get properly replaced and their placeholders stay there, causing the librespot daemon to be unable to start due the messed up config.yml, i fixed this by removing the placeholders in the yml tmp file in the plugins folder and replacing them with static values but that’s not really something i should need to do
Using Spotify connect the current playtime is not updated in the smartphone app. Does anyone else also have this problem? I’m using version 4.0.4 of the plugin.
UPDATE: There is a new daemon version which allows to stream from different accounts while logged in. It is currently under testing, will keep you posted.
Same here.
Volumio 3.6.11, Spotify plugin 4.0.4, spotify App (Android)
Volumio isn’t showing up in the device list of the Spotify App.
Everything else works properly (Youtube, Internet Radio, spotify via the plugin).
And when I start playing Spotify via the plugin, I can control it via the Android App afterwards. Very courios.
Hi guys. It’s good. The new version 3.611 made the Spotify 4.04 plug-in work with the Family Premium account. Earlier I couldn’t log in at all. Spotify is working fine for now. Functions search, play, skip to the next song, everything is OK. The entire Volumio interface feels faster. The only thing I can’t change is my appearance. I still have a Manifest look and I prefer Contemporary. When I select the Contemporary appearance and save, the Manifest remains.
I have two small problems with the Spotify plugin.
The first is, that it’s not possible - so far - to add songs to the queue in the Spotify App (iOS), it neither works in the Volumio App (iOS) - also not via browser or Windows App - that is truly a bummer to be honest.
The second problem is, that in the App (Volumio) the Spotify icon disappears after every restart on/off/on or off/on after a while - it’s fixable when I disable and enable the plugin or change settings of the plugin and save them.
And I’m using the 4.0.4 version of the plugin.