MHS-3.5inch Display! Touch Screen does not work

Please specify what you have tried and what changes you have made to the Volumio system.

What Pi are you using?

What Volumio version (not: “latest”) are you running?

Please post the result of

cat /boot/userconfig.txt

This is not a sign that calibration is required, but only that touch events are detected.

Sorry, I have a pi4 8gb.
How do I see the version of Volumio I am running?

hdmi_cvt 480 320 60 6 0 0 0
#hdmi_cvt 320 240 60 1 0 0 0
cat /boot/userconfig.txt

Touch Display rotation setting below: do not alter


Thanks in advance for your help and advice.

Click on the “burger” sign displayed in the left upper corner of Volumio’s UI then choose “System”. On the system settings page look for “System Version”.

Did you install the “mhs35” overlay?

Please describe in what way the touch function is inaccurate.

The inaccurate comment was done out of inexperience I guess …

I have the raspberry pi connect via ssh, not a GUI. I did the install as follows.
sudo rm -rf LCD-show
git clone GitHub - goodtft/LCD-show: 2.4" 2.8"3.2" 3.5" 5.0" 7.0" TFT LCD driver for the Raspberry PI 3B+/A/A+/B/B+/PI2/ PI3/ZERO/ZERO W
chmod -R 755 LCD-show
cd LCD-show/
sudo ./MHS35-show

I had no errors during the installation.

Then please describe what the problem is.

I just re-did the installation and below are the results.
Not sure if this is relevent but this is the only errors I see.
grep: /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/raspi-config: 2049: [: Illegal number: W1
/usr/bin/raspi-config: 2052: [: Illegal number: W1
/usr/bin/raspi-config: 2059: [: Illegal number: W1
/usr/bin/raspi-config: 2067: return: Illegal number: W1
On the screen I see multiple processes that have been started successfully, and then I am given a prompt to login.

I do not see anything reaction to me touching the screen.
Is it possible that I am not doing this correctly.


Did you install and enable the Touch Display plugin?

I would say no because I did not explicitely do this. I also could not find how to install the touchscreen plugin,

I saw this in the text that I was looking through but I get an error when running this.
git clone GitHub - goodtft/LCD-show: 2.4" 2.8"3.2" 3.5" 5.0" 7.0" TFT LCD driver for the Raspberry PI 3B+/A/A+/B/B+/PI2/ PI3/ZERO/ZERO W

How can I install the plugin?


Just a silly question, your screen doen’t show Volumio, but Domoticz which is a home automation application???

Am I using the wrong image for this to work?

I have raspian install. The pi is only called Domoticz because that is what I was playing with before getting the screen as a present.
I can reimage and restart, if this is necessary.


I would not recommend to run the script from goodtft’s GitHub repository. Instead try the following:

  1. Start with a fresh Volumio system.

  2. Install the Touch Display plugin from Volumio’s plugin store: Click on the “burger” sign displayed in the left upper corner of Volumio’s UI then choose “Plugins”. On the tab “Search Plugins” choose “User Interface”. From there install the Touch Display plugin.

  3. Execute

sudo apt-get -y install xserver-xorg-video-fbturbo

sudo apt-get -y install xserver-xorg-input-evdev

sudo cp /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/45-evdev.conf

sudo curl -L -o /boot/overlays/mhs35.dtbo

sudo curl -L -o /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf

sudo curl -L -o /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-fbturbo.conf

cat >> /boot/userconfig.txt <<EOL

  1. Reboot.

BTW: What is your Volumio version?

I would start with flashing the Volumio OS, taken from

I will do that directly. Thanks Will keep you posted


Don;t use the Volumio image form the Raspberry Pi Imager. Download it from and flash it. Don’t touch any custom settings.

After the first boot, install the Touch display plugin and follow the steps given by @gvolt

how can I install the display plugin?

As just described in post 73