I will check… maybe I add something last time, if yes, delete it and start again.
Yes, I had something but removed it and now is like was:
( i use nano command to edit via putty, finished with CTRL+O enter and CTRL+X, after that reboot command)
Still the same
OK, thanks for testing.
keeping the original cmdline.txt, could you please try to add this to userconfig.txt, when you have time?
hdmi_timings=320 0 80 16 32 1480 0 16 4 12 0 0 0 60 0 42000000 3
I have time non stop for your idea. I love speed of Pi5 and have to use it with my Waveshare.
I have it, without it my Waveshare dasn’t work with Pi3 and Pi4
and you could see this here :
you’re right, sorry… I need to come-up with something else to try
I will wait like for X-mas
Thanks for all trying. Pi5 it’s really next level of speed.
I gave up on the rPi5, until things are stable. For speed I fall back to my trusted Odroid N2+
N2+ works with Waveshare ?? My Pi distributor has it but it is twice expensive than Pi5. I will wait for solution
and me for SPDIF SQ, for me it is the absolute best (not offically supported) Volumio device. If it only had a decent case , so far the black plastic one needs to do.
I saw your thread about Odroid compilation. ( Odroid… I have smile because first Polish computer had name “Odra” Odra (computer) - Wikipedia )
Hi the solution is already at:
Just tu sumarize:
add to config.txt (or better to userconfig.txt):
Below will make the Touch Display plugin starts to work:
Disable Touch Display plugin
As a root (not sudo, root):
cat >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-vc4.conf <<EOL
Section "OutputClass"
Identifier "vc4"
MatchDriver "vc4"
Driver "modesetting"
Option "PrimaryGPU" "true"
- If you like to rotate the screen:
Either by manual command (it will gone after boot):
xrandr --display :0 --output HDMI-1 --rotate right
(right can be changed to left depending which direction you need)
or to have persistant solution:
mkdir /home/volumio/.config/openbox
cat >> /home/volumio/.config/openbox/autostart <<EOL
xrandr --output HDMI-1 --rotate right
Hope it works for you as well
Done few post higher.
I had hope too… but not working. I will try with new copy of Volumio one more time.
It may be.
In my case all tries for fixing screen damaged my Volumio, at least Touch Display plugin, as I was trying to unistall and than install again. So above fix has been applied on fresh Volumio set up.
The point 2.2 I have made with the exact way:
- switch to root (su command) and than:
cat >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-vc4.conf
copy below do clipboard /ctr+c and than ctr+v on terminal/
Section “OutputClass”
Identifier “vc4”
MatchDriver “vc4”
Driver “modesetting”
Option “PrimaryGPU” “true”
crt+c /to exit/
Reboot and than after enabling Touch Display it works
Preparing right now.
According to the thread I linked in post #14 there seem to be issues with certain HDMI displays even on Raspbian Bookworm. After all what has already been tried by @eMCZe it would not surprise me, if the Waveshare display in question belongs to this group.
@eMCZe Did you try the workaround from the Rasperry Pi forum, my link from post #14refers to?
If you talk about it:
In userconfig.txt
Something changed. On fresh copy:
- backlight still on
- “no signal” LED dasn’t blinking ( looks like signal is still on HDMI port )
but still withou any screen
I added to userconfig.txt:
but nothing change, still backlight on, screen off
Please post the output of
ls -al /dev/fb*
cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log
My fault. I check userconfig.txt and was empty. I edited it with “nano boot/userconfig.txt” not with “nano /boot/userconfig.txt”
When I change userconfig.txt like should be it’s the same like yesterday. backlight off, “no signal” LED blinking.
sorry for the incorrect information. Should I continue with your instructions?