Issues with RPi5 + Waveshare HDMI display

Ok, if I use notepad + + and add this on Pi4 Volumio not start. I have the same:

when I removed this line from cmdline :


Volumio started again.

Maybe this EDID is wrong ??

Waveshare give mi this:

OTA will still work, but the cmdline.txt file will be overwritten at every update

It is not a problem. Every update overwritten config.txt too and I need add by hand all times this :

hdmi_timings=320 0 80 16 32 1480 0 16 4 12 0 0 0 60 0 42000000 3

I can live with this. But what I can change to start Pi5 with Volumio on LCD ??

these line should be in the userconfig.txt!!!

config.txt should not be changed at all, you can add the very same lines on userconfig.txt and they will be kept with OTA update

Thanks !!!

What with cmdline “video=…”

Most secure way is to do it via putty.
nano /boot/cmdline.txt
user arrow keys to move to the and add it after the last part.
ctrl +o => enter
ctrl +x

sudo reboot

They wrote that should be at start of cmdline ?? It matters ??

not that I am aware of, they are just kernel startup parameter thingies…

Please post the contents of cmdline when the boot process halts again.
There is something in there, which prevents interpreting the parameters properly during initramfs as it can’t find the image partition parameters.

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You say about this screen with few raspberry ?? ok.

I done it via putty and Volumio still works with Pi4… now I will try with Pi5 and…
… Pi5 not react ( fu… image was with older ver.)… one more time start on Pi4 and Volumio actualization… second try with Pi5 and… Volumio started fast but only on phone and computer. Still without LCD :frowning:

EDIT: few hour later:

  • I took EDID.DAT from Pi4
  • Change it to hex > bin and save as rubbish.bin
  • put it to lib/firmware
  • edit cmdline and add drm.edid_firmware=HDMI-A-1:rubbish.bin video=HDMI-A-1:D
  • start with Pi4 without problem
  • with Pi5 the same problem

Maybe tomorrow…

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I’m away from Pi5 but still searching and:

I done all changes in cmdlines.txt without succes, Pi5 not react like Pi4.

Last changes:

sudo nano /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt

was not possible because cmdline.txt is in /boot and I edit it on /boot directory.

Maybe here is problem??

Today morning I found this :

“NOTE: for Bookworm, the file is at /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt”

Maybe it is reason why Pi5 not react when I changed cmdline.txt??

What you think about it?? I will try later add copy of cmdlines.txt to /boot/firmware/


I think that I’m on good way :

" Prior to Bookworm , Raspberry Pi OS stored the boot partition at /boot/ . Since Bookworm , the boot partition is located at /boot/firmware/ ."

Can you check it in docs??

Volumio is not based on Bookworm, the files to edit are in /boot/

the correct command is:

sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt

You ruin my hope :wink:

Yes I done like you wrote but my LCD still black

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Another night with fighting… nothing.

I wrote to Waveshare and have reply. They ask about config and cmdline files. I sent it and wait for answer.

EDIT: They react very fast. After few minutes I have answer. My cmdlines and congig are corect. Because they tested Waveshare on Pi5 with succes ask me about my hardware connection. I will try to connect it without cable onlu for short U connector - “back to back”

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Ech… I changed connection, tried via short U connector, back Waveshare LCD to back Pi5, tried with 4 different hdmi cables. I bought EDID emulator and Pi4 works fine, EDID emulator LED works like in instruction, reconected to Pi5 - the same blank screen.

I don’t have any idea… maybe someone has ??

Because now I’m almost in this point:

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I have the same problem, just a black screen. RIP5 with Ubuntu and a FullHD monitor works fine.

Have the same. I’m still connected with Mr. Rain from Waveshare, he try to find solution.

what is the content of config.txt on the Ubuntu image you tested?
what is the kernel version?

you can check it with this command in a terminal:

uname -a