Hi, I’m creating this guide as I needed to re-install my UPS PIco HV3.0 and on searching the forum found that some one else had asked for help after one of my posts saying I had it working, and there was no further information. So, this time i’ve documented my first install to hopefully get a few more people started.
Thanks to the full documentation at https://github.com/modmypi/PiModules/wiki/UPS-PIco-Installation
For this guide i have cut out the sections necessary for it to work on volumio, as there are a couple of stages that will break the volumio installation. Follow along at page 55, and you will spot a few of the missed steps.
Why a UPS? What is a UPS
UPS or Uninterruptible Power Supply is a battery system that will keep a computer running in the event of a power cut for a few minutes or untill power is restored. In the case of the UPS Pico it will shutdown the system safely after a predetermined time. I used the UPS Pico with the Raspberry Pi Installed in my Amp. If I switched on my amp, the Pi would boot. If I switched it off the Pi would power down a minute later.
SSH Into Raspberry Pi.
SSH Scripts run in Order
Sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-rpi.gpio
3a)sudo apt-get -y install git python-dev python-serial python-smbus python-jinja2 python-xmltodict python-psutil python-pip
3b) probably not be neededsudo pip install jinja2
3c) probably not be neededsudo pip install xmltodict
moves you to home
cd ~
5)clones UPS Pico repositorysudo git clone https://github.com/modmypi/PiModules.git
cd ~/PiModules/code/python/upspico/picofssd
Installs Second to the System Monitoring and File Safe Shutdown Daemons (picofssd)
sudo python setup.py install
sudo update-rc.d picofssd defaults
Once the script has been installed, it can be installed to the SysVInit system with the following command: -
Runs script at boot
sudo update-rc.d picofssd enable
POWER Off the Raspberry pi Raspberry Pi back on. The daemon should start automatically, and the UPS PIco should function as follows via the Blue UPS LED:
System is not running, or is in Low Power Mode (only HW RTC is running)
UPS LED is lighting continuously
System (PIco + RPi) is booting or shutting down
UPS LED is blinking every 600 ms
System (PIco + RPi) is running on cable power (after booting time)
UPS LED is blinking every 1800 ms
System (PIco + RPi) is running on battery power
Install the UPS PIco HV3.0 Hardware
F - File Safe Shut down
RR - Raspberry Pi Reset
UR - UPS Reset
Thanks to PiModules & ModMyPi for creating a very usefull Pi Hat. Just what I needed!
Thanks to Volumio for an awesome music system for my Pi
I have no links to any software/hardware company.
If you ask me any questions be prepared for no help as I am not an expert and effectively “coding by numbers” and skipped on all the really cleaver stuff this UPS Pico can do, although I am thinking of working out how to make a plugin to explore some of the advanced features. My first update will be to dim those LED’s!