Connect SSH. I use Putty for Windows.
username: volumio
password: volumio
cd /home/volumio
cd Q2M
volumio plugin install
exit from SSH
Set DAC as audio output
volumio setting (gear icon) -> PLAYBACK OPTIONS->Audio Output->DAC Model-> Audiophonics I-Sabre ES9028Q2M
volumio setting (gear icon) -> PLAYBACK OPTIONS->
DSD Playback Mode -> DSD over PCM (DoP)
Now, you can play music in high quality.
For quick test you can use
volumio setting (gear icon) -> PLAYBACK OPTIONS->Audio Output->DAC Model->Generic I2S DAC
DAC plays very quiet. I think about 10% of maximum with right plugin. For test it’s ok.
Hello, I am owner of this incredible dac, exceptional for my taste. After the update to 2.413 the dac was not working anymore and so I went back. Now I’ll try your guide on the new version, I hope it works for me too. Thank you
I hope, it will works. Try clean install of volumio. When I had writing this guide, I had clean image of volumio on my micro SD card. Please send result here.
Hi Kisszabo,
I don’t own this DAC, but in audiophonics page is text “I2S driver: Hifiberry DAC”. I think, you must use a settings for Hifiberry DAC.
prepare miniSD card with clean volumio image
connect DAC hat on Raspberry pi
connect power, go through firs set up wizard ,…
try set up Hifiberry drivers
volumio setting (gear icon) -> PLAYBACK OPTIONS->Audio Output->DAC Model->
Play some song.
If not working, try diferent hifibery driver a save and restart.
If no hifibery driver will be working, try Generec I2S driver or some Audiophonics driver.
If all test failed, send a question on Audiophonics support.
It works with hifiberry DAC, but in another player, when I choose 9038 TXCO DAC, it sounds much better than hifiberry DAC.
I thought it can be work in volumio too…
My friend told me, different players sound different. I did not validate it, but I trust him. Anyway try ask of the audiophonics support for help. Maybe it is some hidden feature in moode audio driver like FIR or IIR filters. Then let me know how it happened.
I have installed the plugin and see all right settings (see attachment). But I don’t hear any thing - it is playing on volumio but no sound. Volume Indicator on web-page stays on 50%
What is the minimal hardware I have to wired - currently I have only stet the AUDIOPHONICS DAC I-Sabre ES9038Q2M on the Raspberry 40pin connector with no other connection…
Do I need the hardware volume knob or a power cable for the AUDIOPHONICS DAC I-Sabre ES9038Q2M board?
Today this dac has arrived for a project of active speakers. I have been very impressed with its sound. From Khadas Tone Board, which assembles the same chip, I was not so impressed that something so small and “cheap” sounds so good. I liked everything, especially the “analog” sound characteristic of the saber 9038q2m; the scene is very advanced but at the same time deep (not everyone likes to have the soloist in the face). The bass better than Allo Boss 1.2, not only muscle, also has speed and detail, this makes it better than Allo Boss, it is also much better in highs.
It is so well done that it does not improve the sound a series of tests that I have done. I have improved the linear power supply) and it has not meant a significant improvement, I have connected an xmos device with reclocker with crystek clocks (jlsounds) and surprisingly it sounded much worse than directly connected to rapsberry pi.
Without doubt it is the best low-cost i2s dac I have heard, I am excited about this dac.
Follow the guide. Make sure you pick AUDIOPHONICS DAC I-Sabre ES9028Q2M
Yes, that is ES9028 - there is no 9038, at least as of start 2021. Volumio team has confirmed.
Spotify, I have installed both Plugins to get full access. One for connecting the Spotify and Spotify Connect2 for being able to control via your phone.
Hi Cutandaweb,
how did the Aliexpress Audiophonics clone work for you? Was the performance and sound quality as expected?
Thnans in advance for your comments