FusionDsp : the complete Dsp center for Volumio3!

Do not now where to put this topic.


Hi, as soon as I install fusion, booting / shutdown 1min.30sec comes back so that is a bug I think?(Because the mpd version changed?)
WIth 1.0.49 no problems. I forgot that. But maybe you can do something with the log information.


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please do not open new topics, add your problem in the thread dedicated to FusionDSP

I moved it now, if you keep doing that they will be just deleted

The problem is probably due to the new MPd version. We investigateā€¦

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I ran into a problem with my Hifiberry DAC+ ADC pro today. I am using Volumio 3.611 and FusionDSP 1.0.53. When I play something through the analog input, the sound is very quiet, barely audible. I switched back to fusionDSP 1.0.49, the volume is normal with the older version, but it has stability issues.

Another thing is that after a restart I have to actively move the volume slider, otherwise FusionDSP seems to be inactive and I blow my ears regularly. This has been a problem for several versions now.

I solved all my problems with airplay and convolution filters enabling:
enable_resampling: BalancedAync


what samplerate?
this is available in FusionDsp

No, I rejoiced over victory too early.
I still have problems, some sort of hiccups, especially in the beginning, when the streaming in airplay starts, but also after although much less often. :frowning:

log is here:


any news on this topic?
or anyone else with the same problem?
I am not able to use my TT through Volumio, which is quite annoyingā€¦

Really hard to get what happens. Maybe using alsamixer command through ssh shows the setting for the input you use. Iā€™m surprised if level is ok with previous version thoughā€¦

Similar here: after installation of the FusionDSP plugin, Volumio is repeatedly updating settings.
Version of Volumio: 3.631
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3 Raspberry Pi / 3B+ - 1.3
Audiophonics I-Sabre ES9028Q2M

Youā€™re system seems corrupted.
Try to remove FusionDsp.
Install FusionDsp.
If not better, you can try a factory reset. But you will loose all your settings.
Or last solution, reflash the SD card

Hi balbuze,
thank for your reply!

  • tried to reflash - no success
  • tried to use another SD-Card - no success
  • if the problem appears than removing FusionDSP does not work any more

The problem only happens with the last version of Volumio 3.631. I did not find any older version to download on Volumio page to be sure that the actual version is the problem (and unfortunately I did not keep a copy of the old version).

Is there a way to adjust 4 settings and select those settings in the menu on the phone.

Not to have adjust each time in the the settings of the plugin.


like preset?
please have a look at online help in FusionDsp.

or directly

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very weirdā€¦the only known caseā€¦ :upside_down_face:
can you try to set output to headphone (even without headphone) and see if it still happens.

Hi balbuze,

thank you for your help and the time invested to track that down! I reinstalled the system completely and configured it again for my needs (without FusionDSP) some days ago. Today I gave the FusionDSP plugin another try to try out your suggested solutions - and the plug-in works perfectly! Great surprise!
Iā€™m sorry for bothering you, but I really canā€™t say what I did differently this time.

Thank you for this great plugin!

Thanks for your feedback

Hello friends
I have a problem when installing FusionDSP, it keeps loading the volume icon all the time making it impossible to use the system.

some way to solve the problem.

thank you very much.

Hello. I have previously used Fusiondsp to load PEQ filters from REW and rephase.

I now require Camilladsp gui to create pipelione that I cant do in Fusiondsp gui.

I have created several configs and they now load successfully. But here are the issues:

  1. While the config will load into the dsp, and I can read back from the dsp into the gui to verify it, the config in the dsp keeps reverting back to the old PEQ config that was created within the Fusiondsp gui. I know this because I can read the config from the dsp into the gui. I have tried to disable effects in the gui before switching to camilladsp but no joy. I also note that the column in the Files tab that allows to select the current config is grayed out with message ā€œā€¦ because configs did not loadā€.
  2. When using shortcuts, I am able to load the dsp successfully, but often I have to load it a second time before attenuation is audible. e.g. from mixer with -4db gain.

I posted this on the Camilldsp forum but HEnquist thinks its Fusiondsp related.
