DEV: [PLUGIN] MPD_OLED for x86 based systems

Ok, I understand. The library has “arm” in the name, but it may not have anything arm-specific in it. I can’t say for sure because I have only used it with I2C on the Pi. The screenshot of mpd_oled running on the desktop was running on x86 and used this library. Anyway, if it turns out that the library doesn’t work with I2C on a PC then it needs to be modified so it does work!

So cool. Well done!

Thanks to you’re support.
So it does work, the clock is updating.

So now I am going to recover my main player (yes which I should not have been using for testing purpose) and do the same on a Dell Wyse 3040.

Ooh very nice! What’s the frame rate like? :partying_face::tada::champagne: (6.1 MB)
No clue, need to get CAVA running before I will reinstall this device.
At this moment 've started it with
mpd_oled -o SSD1306,128X64,I2C - f 50

Scrolling looks acceptable. Please rename zip to MOV (it’s not a zip archive)

So steps taken for this module to run MPD_OLED on a x86

Install all dependencies:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf make libtool libfftw3-dev libiniparser-dev libmpdclient-dev libi2c-dev lm-sensors libasound2-dev autoconf-archive i2c-tools dkms

Get headers to perform make (will break ATO):

sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-5.10.139-volumio_5.10.139-volumio-1_amd64.deb
sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-5.10.139-volumio /lib/modules/5.10.139-volumio/build


Get driver:

git clone
cd i2c-ch341-usb
sudo make install

Check if loaded:
dmesg | grep i2c-ch341-usb

Add volumio to group:

sudo addgroup volumio i2c
newgrp - i2c

Build and install cava:

git clone
cd cava
./configure --disable-input-portaudio --disable-input-sndio --disable-output-ncurses --disable-input-pulse --program-prefix=mpd_oled_
sudo make install-strip
cd ..    # leave cava directory

Build and install mpd_oled:

git clone
cd libu8g2arm
mkdir build
cd build
CPPFLAGS="-W -Wall -Wno-psabi" ../configure --prefix=/usr/local
cd ../..  # leave libu8g2arm/build directory

git clone
cd mpd_oled_dev
LIBU8G2_DIR=../libu8g2arm CPPFLAGS="-W -Wall -Wno-psabi" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install-strip

Configure MPD to copy its audio output to a named pipe
(Ignore the errors)

wget -N
sudo bash
sudo mpd_oled_volumio_mpd_conf_install

Check for the correct bus:

volumio@volumiox86:~$ dmesg | grep i2c-ch341-usb

[ 4125.761992] i2c-ch341-usb 1-1:1.0: ch341_i2c_probe: created i2c device /dev/i2c-14

Use correct bus number:
mpd_oled -o SSD1306,128X64,I2C,bus_number=14 -f 50

/usr/local/bin/mpd_oled -o SSD1306,128X64,I2C,bus_number=$(dmesg | grep -iE "ch341_i2c_probe: created i2c device" | sed 's/^.*[/]//' | sed 's/.*-//') -f 50

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@supercrab , @Adrii

Shall I move these last posts to a new topic, to avoid confusion with MPD_OLED for the rPi and development efforts on the x86?

Yes please :slightly_smiling_face:

tried the same on a Dell Wyse 3040, less lucky:

dmesg | grep i2c-ch341-usb
[  370.009593] i2c-ch341-usb 1-2:1.0: ch341_cfg_probe: output gpio0 gpio=0 irq=0
[  370.009599] i2c-ch341-usb 1-2:1.0: ch341_cfg_probe: output gpio1 gpio=1 irq=1
[  370.009602] i2c-ch341-usb 1-2:1.0: ch341_cfg_probe: output gpio2 gpio=2 irq=2
[  370.009605] i2c-ch341-usb 1-2:1.0: ch341_cfg_probe: output gpio3 gpio=3 irq=3
[  370.009609] i2c-ch341-usb 1-2:1.0: ch341_cfg_probe: input  gpio4 gpio=4 irq=4 (hwirq)
[  370.009612] i2c-ch341-usb 1-2:1.0: ch341_cfg_probe: input  gpio5 gpio=5 irq=5
[  370.009615] i2c-ch341-usb 1-2:1.0: ch341_cfg_probe: input  gpio6 gpio=6 irq=6
[  370.009618] i2c-ch341-usb 1-2:1.0: ch341_cfg_probe: input  gpio7 gpio=7 irq=7
[  370.010041] i2c-ch341-usb 1-2:1.0: ch341_i2c_probe: created i2c device /dev/i2c-14
[  370.010045] i2c-ch341-usb 1-2:1.0: ch341_i2c_set_speed: Change i2c bus speed to 100 kbps

But keep getting errors:

mpd_oled -o SSD1306,128X64,I2C
Failed to write to the i2c bus.

volumio@volumiox86:~/i2c-ch341-usb$ lsmod | grep i2c
i2c_ch341_usb          24576  0
i2c_algo_bit           16384  1 i915
volumio@volumiox86:~/i2c-ch341-usb$ sudo i2cdetect -y 14
     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
00:          03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f
10: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f
20: 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f
30: 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f
40: 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f
50: 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f
60: 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f
70: 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77

An after a reboot of the working one, it gives the same error. So we are not there yet.
After every reboot the probing return different results:
ch341_i2c_probe: created i2c device /dev/i2c-10
ch341_i2c_probe: created i2c device /dev/i2c-0
ch341_i2c_probe: created i2c device /dev/i2c-14

The default I2C bus for md_oled is 1 (/dev/i2c-1). The bus numbers you are getting seem kind of random, but, for example, if the screen is connected on bus 0 then use the command

mpd_oled -o SSD1306,128X64,I2C,bus_number=0

I did try a lot of options, but combined bus_number with HW_I2C and SW_I2c, which didn’t work.
runing below command, did the trick.

mpd_oled -o SSD1306,128X64,I2C,bus_number=14

MPD_OLED also detect play and stop. Only thing left is cava. Never got the hang of all the pipe stuff.
The frame rate is more than appropriate.


here is some interesting technical data, that might be use full.

Well done! :partying_face::partying_face::champagne::balloon::confetti_ball:

I think I’m gonna pick up one of these to USB adapters :raised_hands:t4:

Just follow the instruction and it should work.

  • CAVA needs to be sorted out.
  • A way to get the bus address fixed, as currently after every reboot it changes.
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Thanks! Now I have to pick up a little x86 machine too :laughing:

Well 45 euro, for a Dell Wyse 3040, great little piece of hardware. Still a few left.

I had noticed you were using a Del Wyse! I’ve never used one myself but that’s an excellent price for what you get. Also, the super slim Dell USFF Optiplexs are also pretty good, I’m thinking about getting one for plex and now and another for Volumio :joy:

Also got CAVA running, a bit dirty but it works.
(just ran sudo bash, which took care of the CAVA part.)
The bars run smooth, so no issues with frame rates.



Seems we have a winner, a working POC :partying_face:


Did helpt me om er toch dicht bij te blijven.
Super job!
Soms denk ik, “69, and why the hell still doing this”…