CM5 with Volumio

I think that some of you may find this interesting.
I am working on a small project replacing my volumio Pi5 with CM5. It seems that the lite CM5 with no SD card preinstalled workes mirakels with NVME disks. Just flash the disk and boot. Evetything works. Do not use the ones with the SD card installed, these give issues

Yeah, team Volumio did a lot of work and testing, to get this smooth experience…
Hands up for the Team!!!

:raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

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Do you have a breakdown of the shopping list for the necessary bits?


Using Mini Base Board (A) from Waveshare is my personal preference. Unlike the official Raspberry Pi Compute Module 5 IO Board it does not have PoE header, however much smaller footprint has its advantages.

BTW: List of Raspberry Pi SBCs on which Volumio is expected to work is here.

Kind Regards,

Kudos to @nerd , that made the required changes and performed all the test with CM5, making it possible to add support on the latest stable version released a few days ago


No, its a POC, once happy boxes are to be build.

Thanks for sharing this. Are the heatsink and fan needed to run this configuration?

For anyone curious about the possibilities of the CM5/CM5 IO board, I run a slightly different setup. I have Volumio loaded on the eMMC and use the PCIe port for an audiograde USB card (JCAT femto). Seems to work flawlessly.

No fan, the official heatsink is enough. you can add additional cooling by coupling the CM5 to the motherboard and that to the case with silicone pads. Mine runs volumio the whole day at 40 degrees.
What did you use as a PCIe riser?


I use an inexpensive solution off Amazon.

The PCIe USB card is powered separately from the CM5/by its own PSU.

Cheers -

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