CD Play no song titles

It looks like there is a problem with music credits on Classic and Contemporary UI, could you please try with Manifest and verify if the problem is still there or not?

When playing a CD, the Manifest does not display the track name and does not show the album image.
It also does not search for information about the artist or album.
Classic does this but doesn’t let you see more - only the premium user.

Please support

The request for logging in with a premium account with Classic and Modern UI is definitely a bug, we’re working to solve it.

Anyhow, with Manifest UI you should get the album art, the song title and some information on the artist and album directly on the main screen

Could you please enable Manifest, reboot and check if it’s your case?

I think understood your problem now.

Playing from other sources than a CD (for example Tidal), info about the artist/album are shown in the main screen of Manifest UI, but they are not shown if you play something from a CD, only the title and the album art is shown (if the CD is recognized from the database)

Is this your problem?

Manifest UI is ok.
Classic is not working properly.
CD, Tidal, local files do not show album and artist information.
Notice only for premium users.

we’re working to fix this bug, thanks for pointing it out

Thank you. I’m waiting for the bug to be fixed.

Simple solution. Every Rivo user has a premium account.
And then everything works.

thanks for reporting that

could you please explain how you solved it?

I didn’t solve the problem…

OK, sorry I misunderstood your statement

A fix has been implemented in the latest test version

if you want to try it, please enable test-mode from the /dev page and then perform an OTA update

please disable test mode after updating your system

CD Read more… is ok, Album credits and Artist story only Premium

Tidal – Artist story only Premium

Local files is ok

I bought Rivo and I am not a premium user :frowning: it’s sad

did you update to the latest test version 3.641, after enabling test mode?


@volumio please have a look

After updating to 3.661, metadata still doesn’t work.
Please fix it!

@volumio still to be fixed

Local files is ok
Tidal is not working