CD Play no song titles

Simple solution. Every Rivo user has a premium account.
And then everything works.

thanks for reporting that

could you please explain how you solved it?

I didn’t solve the problem…

OK, sorry I misunderstood your statement

A fix has been implemented in the latest test version

if you want to try it, please enable test-mode from the /dev page and then perform an OTA update

please disable test mode after updating your system

CD Read more… is ok, Album credits and Artist story only Premium

Tidal – Artist story only Premium

Local files is ok

I bought Rivo and I am not a premium user :frowning: it’s sad

did you update to the latest test version 3.641, after enabling test mode?


@volumio please have a look

After updating to 3.661, metadata still doesn’t work.
Please fix it!

@volumio still to be fixed

Local files is ok
Tidal is not working