Good morning,
Since yesterday I no longer have access to my Volumio through its PC interface.
My network sees the 2 IP addresses fine:
volumio LAN network:
WIFI volume:
What should I do ?
I can’t send you a troubleshooting log because volumio.local/dev is not accessible.
I’ve had my device for 2 years and this is the first time this has happened.
See you later.
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Wondering if you have had YouTube or YouTube Music plugin installed. If so, pls follow this thread:
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Au bout de 24h d’attente sans répones de mon volumio, j’ai flashe avec une clé usb et tout va bien.
A bientôt
Good morning,
After 24 hours of waiting with no response from my volumio, I flashed with a usb key and everything is fine.
See you soon
Had the same issue (node stuck at 100% CPU forever) and had to reflash.
Now having different kinds of issues… trying to address them with Volumio customer support.