[PLUGIN] YouTube2

Updated v1.1.2, which addresses this:

For unfortunate souls who installed a previous version and now has an unresponsive Volumio, you can try the following:

  1. Wait and see if the issue clears itself. While appearing unresponsive, the plugin (more precisely, the underlying YouTube.js library) is actually trying to parse an YT authentication script. It will fail eventually but it could take many, many hours. Once Volumio becomes responsive again, uninstall the plugin immediately. Don’t try to disable and re-enable it or you would have to wait again.
  2. ssh into Volumio and run the following command to delete the youtube2 plugin folder, followed by restarting Volumio:
    rm -rf /data/plugins/music_service/youtube2 

To install the updated plugin from beta channel:

  • Uninstall current version.
  • Enable Plugins Test Mode in http://<volumio address>/dev
  • Restart Volumio.
  • Find the YouTube2 plugin in the plugin store. Click the “Details” button under it and choose latest beta version to install.