I know you can control volumio through mpc command line functions - can you do the same with volumio plugins, eg the spotify plugin? I.e. play a particular playlist through a command line function?
nope plugins are not a part of the core of volumio
It depends on how the plugin is programmed.
Spotify has no means for an external call via node.
A plugin like randomizer has, and you can call it from the terminal.
Just coming back here to say that I did find a way to do this - you can use curl commands from the command line to interact with the API
curl -i --header “Content-Type: application/json” volumiop.local/api/v1/replaceAndPlay --data ‘{“service”: “webradio”, “type”: “webradio”, “title”: “Radio 4”, “uri”: “http://a.files.bbci.co.uk/media/live/manifesto/audio/simulcast/hls/uk/sbr_med/ak/bbc_radio_fourfm.m3u8”}’
curl volumiop.local/api/v1/commands/?cmd=pause
curl volumiop.local/api/v1/commands/?cmd=toggle
curl volumiop.local/api/v1/commands/?cmd=next
curl volumiop.local/api/v1/getState
Works great!
if you need more commands there are more
ps if you have a streamdeck or pc i can give a plugin or rainmeter skin for those
Thanks! I will have a think, but the one I am most interested in is how to play my liked songs, is that possible?
true a play list or just 1 song direct or add in the qeue so you have 3 options
here you have a few:
if you want to controle it with a remote look for triggerhappy
play direct
play playlist
http://volumio.local/api/v1/commands/?cmd=playplaylist&name= << here your playlistname >>