Play a radio url via curl?

After some playing around and thanks to a key hint from Jackie, I’ve figured out a working example, actually 3:

curl -i -X POST localhost:3000/api/v1/replaceAndPlay --data "service=webradio&type=webradio&title=Nova%20La%20Nuit&uri="

curl -i -X POST localhost:3000/api/v1/replaceAndPlay --data "service=webradio&type=webradio&title=KCRW%20Eclectic%2024&uri="

curl -i -X POST localhost:3000/api/v1/replaceAndPlay --data "service=webradio&type=webradio&title=BBC%20Radio%204&uri="

What is now the best location to keep these scripted commands (bash scripts)? Only /media folder or could /usr/local/bin et similar be a valid and upgrade proof alternative?