AUDIOPHONICS SABRE V3 Pulsante e Display

Install button python scripts and python scripts audiophonics display saber v3 of raspberry p2-p3

Step 1:
volumio2 currently installed ver 2,114
Step 2:
Install the latest .deb file of rpi.gpio by: … /rpi.gpio/
Currently “0.6.3 ~ jessie-1_armhf.deb” and build wget as below.

cd /home/volumio wget sudo dpkg -i python-rpi.gpio_0.6.3~jessie-1_armhf.deb
Step 3:
Test GPIO with this

gpio -g readall  

Step 4:
Create script

sudo nano /home/volumio/

After you open an empty black window
enter this

#!/bin/bash #Gestion du bouton d'alimentation echo "Audiophonics Shutdown script starting..." echo "Asserting pins : " echo "ShutDown : GPIO17=in, set to Low" echo "BootOK : GPIO22=out, set to High" gpio -g mode 17 in gpio -g write 17 0 gpio -g mode 22 out gpio -g write 22 1 while [ 1 ]; do if [ "$(gpio -g read 17)" = "1" ]; then echo "ShutDown order received, RaspBerry pi will now enter in standby mode..." sudo shutdown -h -P now break fi /bin/sleep 0.25 done exit 0
After entering the script, save it with Ctrl + O and exit with ctrl + X
Step 5:
Set attributes in

sudo chmod 755 /home/volumio/

Step 6:
Init.d create a service that starts at the 'start-up script

sudo nano /etc/init.d/sdsd

After you open an empty black window
enter this



Provides: sdsd

Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog

Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog

Default-Start: 2 3 4 5

Default-Stop: 0 1 6

Short-Description: ON/OFF switch

Description: This deamon is used to monitor the ON/OFF button state via GPIO


Change the next 3 lines to suit where you install your script and what you want to call it


Add any command line options for your daemon here


This next line determines what user the script runs as.

Root generally not recommended but necessary if you are using the Raspberry Pi GPIO from Python.


The process ID of the script when it runs is stored here:


. /lib/lsb/init-functions

do_start () {
log_daemon_msg “Starting system $DAEMON_NAME daemon”
start-stop-daemon --start --background --pidfile $PIDFILE --make-pidfile --user $DAEMON_USER --chuid $DAEMON_USER --startas $DAEMON – $DAEMON_OPTS
log_end_msg $?
do_stop () {
log_daemon_msg “Stopping system $DAEMON_NAME daemon”
start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile $PIDFILE --retry 10
log_end_msg $?

case “$1” in



status_of_proc “$DAEMON_NAME” “$DAEMON” && exit 0 || exit $?

echo “Usage: /etc/init.d/$DAEMON_NAME {start|stop|restart|status}”
exit 1

exit 0[/code]

After entering the script, save it with Ctrl + O and exit with ctrl + X
Step 7:
Set attributes in

sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/sdsd

Step 8:
Install the script

sudo update-rc.d sdsd defaults

If all went well the audiophonics button will work.

Now we install OLED

Step 1:

sudo nano /home/volumio/

After you open an empty black window
enter this Warning to change the following # Define GPIO to LCD mapping LCD_D7 = 27 per V3 LCD_D7 = 15 per V2 in
After entering the script, save it with Ctrl + O and exit with ctrl + X
Step 2:
Try the script

sudo python /home/volumio/ 

Step 3:
Install the script at start

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Insert before “exit O”

python /home/volumio/ &
After entering the script, save it with Ctrl + O and exit with ctrl + X

That’s all .

This procedure is the synthesis of what I have searched the net and I thank mainly:
Nicho e Vince69 user forum

Saluti gmarconi2 (2.16 KB)

Hi Marconi, i have the v2 dac version.
This will works with v2 too?
Grazie e ciao :slight_smile:

I reply myself.
With rpi2, Dac V2 and Volumio 2.118, i have test the oled part only.
I have changed the lcd_d7 value from 27 to 15 but i have no lucky…
The display dont works… black screen.

Hello marcellom

To operate the display you still have to activate the GPIO and then install the instructions for the button from Step 1 to Step 3 button setup

Hello gmarconi2

Thanks Marconi… ill try and… post results…

…hi, as I said are not lucky.
I’ve followed the steps from 1 to 3, then followed the tutorial for lcd only…
the attachment are the gpio configuration after gpio -g readall , and the error i’ve got when test the lcd with sudo python /home/volumio/
Dont works for me :frowning:
Maybe is a my problem with the ultimate version of volumio? .118
Or i must update python…or…i dont know :confused:

Ok Marcellom

I think it is a Python formatting error, I have copied the script, maybe copying it has changed something, now I add the script that I used

Ciao gmarconi2 (2.16 KB)

Grazie caro Marconi, today i will try but i will not further disturb you… ill try myself to resolve the problem. tnx again :slight_smile:

With your attached file, Volumio 2.118, rpi2 and audiophonics dac V2… works well! Great Marconi… thank you very very much :smiley:

I made the installation “AUDIOPHONICS RaspDAC + Raspberry Pi 3 + DAC Sabre V3” and Volumio. Now it is working.
My problem is: Winstar Oled is not compatible with Turkish characters on the screen. How to solve this question.

LG-D855 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi

Dear gmarconi2, I will be very glad, if you help to me.

I own a Audiophonics RaspDac V3 and I made a Volumio plugin to handle power button and OLED.

hi jedail,
Does it has Turkish character support?

My first test result is:
1- There is no image on the first opening.
2- When the music starts to play, the picture comes up but there is no Turkish (utf-8) support.
3- Setting is not working.
4- Opening time is long.
5- Not stable.

1 - The OLED is very light . The plugin only display current artist-title and duration , no more.
2 - This is something I can add in future during the OLED initialization
4 - Can you be more specific ? As opposite of the python script (which is working pretty well, btw), the plugin doesn’t need to launch another process to watch what is playing. By design, the CPU usage significantly decreased.
5 - Can you report any bugs ?

Unfortunately my English is bad.
But, I would like to say:
The only thing that I need urgently is; UTF-8 (for Turkish Character) support on “Winstar 16x2 Oled”.

Unfortunally, OLED in RaspDac provides three set of character font :

    I guess you can replace the current LCD with a model with a built-in Cyrillic font table

Hello! And thank you for your plug in.
Would it be possible to make the LCD display something during either boot up or Volumio initial boot? I see that the display works only once Volumio starts playing, however even having the display show “ready” or “volumio” would be great. Just cosmetic I know, but nice noneless