Activity light for external hard drive

Volumio 3 Issues?
Just a quick question, I have a nice Volumio box with a 14 inch display and I wanted to put a led on the front panel that shows activity… Ive seen where you can add a led to a pi with out a hat but no instructions on adding one with a hat… can this be done?. I have a Rasberry PI 3b and a hifiberry dac hat pro . Thanks in advance.
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if I recall correctly, t=you need to add the following to the /boot/userconfig.txt.

where xx is the GPIO where you have connected to the LED.

I’m not sure is this would work woth a dac hat as it used pins from the gpio .

just stay away from these pins: :wink:

GPIO2-3 (pins 3 and 5) are used by our products for configuration. If you are experienced with I2C, you might add other slave devices. If you a a novice, we don’t recommend this at all.
GPIOs 18-21 (pins 12, 35, 38 and 40) are used for the sound interface. You can’t use them for any other purpose.

On the HiFiBerry Digi+, GPIO16 is also reserved.

On the HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro GPIOs 5 and 6 are also used and cannot be used for anything else.