I logged in with Google.
- Subscriptions: no result (which I have)
- Liked videos: no result (which I have)
- Search: does not give anything
Allo Boss 1.2 / Volumio 2.713
I logged in with Google.
Allo Boss 1.2 / Volumio 2.713
same for me !
yes, today due to a limit exceeded no more connection are autorized
We are requesting to google an increased quota limit. Until they grant us, the plugin will work only for limited time for a given day (until quota is reached)
Youtube search
what am i missing, if plugin says at account settings, “Log in with Google to enable plugin”, where and how should i login? SHould be something obvious but i missed it…
Youtube plugin stopped working, we are looking for a solution.
Is there any solution by now?
Also looking for a solution to this.
I am also a developer, so I could help if needed.
I also got an error and cannot use Youtube Playback.
I get the same error no matter which item I select.
I use Raspberry Pi 3-Model B + Pi-DAC +.
Volumio 2.729
Youtube Playback 1.0.1
same as above only on the sparky got once a folder each time i reinstall after that gone …