Hi together,
just not to be too much boring: as experienced software developer I love the new possibilities with little embedded PCs or controllers as Raspberry, Arduino and others. Even I like to hear good music in best quality, so I’m happy that I could find some “Backes & Müller BM 6” active coupled speakers. They are old, but very good in sound, and I’ve been looking for a solution to feed them with adequate signals … So I stumbled upon the Volumio project. The direction of this development was just the one, I’d like to go. And even as I read about the history and the forks coming out of the preceding project, a comparison held me by Volumio. I don’t know what reasons lead to the separation of the development team, and it’s none of my business, so I’m looking forward to a interesting future, where perhaps one might be contributing a little.
Let’s hear good music over the Raspberry (or any supported device …)
- Manfred