Yamaha MusicCast plugin

A plugin making it possible to include the Raspberry PI Volumio2 player in a Yamaha MusicCast environment would be great.
Link to the API specification: jayvee.com.au/downloads/command … _Basic.pdf

Was wondering if there were any updates on the subject.

Would love to see this feature happening! :slight_smile:

The link is dead.

Also I don’t see much benefit, only if you are using all Yamaha products or am I missing something?

@Saiyato, what’s the benefit of having a Spotify plugin if you haven’t got a Spotify account? That hasn’t stopped people from developing a Spotify Plugin for Volumio.
I have a Yamaha amplifier with built in Musiccast, instead of paying 2-300+$ for a mono Yamaha speaker to get the multiroom experience, I could use my RasPi+Volumio instead.

New link to a Musiccast API PHP wrapper: github.com/samvdb/php-musiccast-api