Xscreensaver with Volumio

HI - I am trying to replace the blank screen with an image. Installed xscreensaver but it does not show as a plugin and I can not set it up.
Does xscreensaver work with Volumio?
If so, how do I set it?

It’s impossible to answer your question, with this less details.

  • On which device are you running Volumio? (rPi, x86,…)
  • What kind of screen is attached?
  • Which version of Volumio are you using? (don’t say the latest)

You are correct - my bad:

  1. RPI 4B
  2. Standard LED computer screen (Samsung 21")
  3. Volumio Ver 3.512 (Sun 25 Jun)
  • Restore Volumio by doing a factory reset
  • Perform all configurations
  • Reboot
  • Install “Touch Display” plugin. This plugin has a setting for a screen saver (Screen will turn black)

If you want t have pictures, you can install “Playing now” plugin.

  • Disable the screen saver in the “Touch display” plugin
  • Configure “Playing now”
    This plugin can load random pictures when Volumio is not playing.

Sounds good - will give it a try this evening.
Thank you!

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: [PLUGIN] Now Playing