Wrong search results

If I search for an artist I do find other artists which do not match with the search at all


Volumio Information

Volumio Version: 3.512
Hardware: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2, Version: a02082, Firmware Version: Jan 20 2022 13:58:22
DAC: Allo Piano 2.1

Debug Log


Steps to Reproduce

  1. search for an artist (here “Pat Metheny”)
  2. check search results
  3. there are several entries that do not match at all

Additional Information

Real Ibiza³ - Chilling You Softly ----19 Pat Metheny Group – Are You Going With Me? 8:38

Nicht Von Dieser Welt-----12 This Is Not America Music By, Lyrics By – David Bowie, Lyle Mays, Pat Metheny 3:39

Not so much wrong, but very thorough

ok, I see, I had understood it more as an artist search, but yes, hits that come from other sources are of course also interesting. In case of doubt, it’s better to use a broader definition. Thank you!