After running a headless install on my RasPi2, Youtube popped up with a video of a members DAC setup, so now I need one.
After 3 weeks of far too many hours, I managed to final wire it up correctly (who would have thought that pin numbers quoted were where the BCM Pins not the header pins), also manged to install the epic pydPiper addon (only after numerous failed attempts from other howto’s.
So now I have a 20x4 display working with the output I want (minus the year of the album, which doesn’t appear to be grabbed)
So tonight it only took me 1 hour to get a 40x2 display (from an old HEVAC Control Panel I decommissioned) running - just need to tweak the positions in the new I’ve butchered from the 16x2 version
Now the search begins for a suitable case and all the other bits to complete the project