I want to use volumio on a Raspberry Pi 4 to stream music from a NAS held by a FRITZBox. I´ve tried the whole day long and now I´m close to desperation.
I can see my NAS in Windows and get access to the music folders, but I´m not able to set the right path in Volumio. I can open the FRITZBox NAS by “fritz.nas” and can access the usb-SSD with the music under its name “Volume”.
But when I set this path (and hundreds of others as well) in Volumio, it always tells that it can´t mount it.
What do I habe to do to get ist working? Apart from the refusal to mount the NAS everything is ok. I can access Volumio and it works with my ARCAM DAC.
Any ideas?
Thanks in Advance