Wiring STEC11B03 Encoder with Rotary Encoder II plugin


I want to use the rotary encoder II plugin and bought an STEC11B03 Encoder.
The plugin installed correctly but the encoder is not working for the volume control as expected.
Can somebody have a look if the wiring it correctly!?

Raspberry 3B+
Allo Boss
Volumio 3.179

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Hi MR100000Volt,

Just used a generic 3 pin rotary (removed from an old audio board) with Rotary Encoder 1.2.4 and work like a charm, since I just need volume control.

Dont forget to include 2 100nf ceramic capacitor conecting the GPIO to GND.

I´m using Volumio 2.917 and Geek Worm DAC,


Hi @Mr100000Volt - could you share how you solved this using the STEC11B03 and Rotary Encoder II plugin? I’m setting up a Raspberry Pi for the first time so it’s a bit over my head, do you have any photos of your working setup? Thanks in advance

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at first please have a look for the correct wiring here.

At least I was using a KY-040 Encoder insteat of a STEC11B03.

Hi may i know, how do you the gpion from rpi not occupied by dac?
I just to make my own streaming player running with ky-040 rotary, dac hat and buttons.