Wireless Remote Control

I have “Volumio 2” installed along with AMP+

I like to install a simple Remote Control for: “Volume up/down”, “Change Station (Internet radio)”

My RbPi is behind a wall so I like to use a HID via R/F like the "Rii i7 mini

Has anyone out there an idea in this regards?

I hooked up such a device and tried to use the “lsusb” command ==> " -bash: lsusb: command not found"

On my Linux laptop this command works fine. Any idea how I can get this command working on Volumio?


use sudo :wink:

I did use it both ways ==> same result: “sudo: lsusb: command not found”

I still can not use the lsusb cmd.

In the meantime I tested a small python script on my Linux Laptop and it woks fine.

Running the same script on “Volumio” with previously install USB lib. I get the following output:


volumio@volumio:~$ sudo python /home/volumio/3W_USB_find_key_2016-09-27.py
DEVICE ID 1997:2433 on Bus 001 Address 007 =================
bLength : 0x12 (18 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x1 Device
bcdUSB : 0x110 USB 1.1
bDeviceClass : 0x0 Specified at interface
bDeviceSubClass : 0x0
bDeviceProtocol : 0x0
bMaxPacketSize0 : 0x40 (64 bytes)
idVendor : 0x1997
idProduct : 0x2433
bcdDevice : 0x2000 Device 32.0
iManufacturer : 0x1
iProduct : 0x2 AirMouse
iSerialNumber : 0x0
bNumConfigurations : 0x1
CONFIGURATION 1: 100 mA ==================================
bLength : 0x9 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x2 Configuration
wTotalLength : 0x3b (59 bytes)
bNumInterfaces : 0x2
bConfigurationValue : 0x1
iConfiguration : 0x0
bmAttributes : 0xa0 Bus Powered, Remote Wakeup
bMaxPower : 0x32 (100 mA)
INTERFACE 0: Human Interface Device ====================
bLength : 0x9 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x4 Interface
bInterfaceNumber : 0x0
bAlternateSetting : 0x0
bNumEndpoints : 0x1
bInterfaceClass : 0x3 Human Interface Device
bInterfaceSubClass : 0x1
bInterfaceProtocol : 0x1
iInterface : 0x0
ENDPOINT 0x81: Interrupt IN ==========================
bLength : 0x7 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x5 Endpoint
bEndpointAddress : 0x81 IN
bmAttributes : 0x3 Interrupt
wMaxPacketSize : 0x40 (64 bytes)
bInterval : 0xa
INTERFACE 1: Human Interface Device ====================
bLength : 0x9 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x4 Interface
bInterfaceNumber : 0x1
bAlternateSetting : 0x0
bNumEndpoints : 0x1
bInterfaceClass : 0x3 Human Interface Device
bInterfaceSubClass : 0x1
bInterfaceProtocol : 0x2
iInterface : 0x0
ENDPOINT 0x82: Interrupt IN ==========================
bLength : 0x7 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x5 Endpoint
bEndpointAddress : 0x82 IN
bmAttributes : 0x3 Interrupt
wMaxPacketSize : 0x40 (64 bytes)
bInterval : 0xa
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/volumio/3W_USB_find_key_2016-09-27.py”, line 38, in
if dev.is_kernel_driver_active(USB_IF) is True:
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/usb/core.py”, line 1064, in is_kernel_driver_active
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/usb/backend/init.py”, line 365, in is_kernel_driver_active
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/usb/backend/init.py”, line 81, in _not_implemented
raise NotImplementedError(func.name)
NotImplementedError: is_kernel_driver_active

I am stuck - What can I do next? Any idea what to check?

Thanks a lot for any reply

I loaded Rasbian on my RbPi and cmd:
works fine.
What is missing with Volumio ?

You’re right, not installed


apt-get update
sudo apt-get install usbutils

I will add as default to Volumio, thanks for reporting

Thank you very much.
With your hint i managed to get the remote working.

However on a limited base only.
I can control volume with “amixer” and I can turn sound on / off with “mpc [play | stop]”

I would like to be able to switch through a couple of radio stations.

That is what I tried:

  • create a playlist under /…/mpd/playlists (with user “mpd” group “audio”)
  • loaded playlist with “mpc cmd” -> list shows up
  • with “mpc play x” (x = 0-2) -> no reaction

I found out that you have implemented a "volumio command line interface.

But when I try:

volumio@volumio:~$ volumio status

I get:
/volumio/app/plugins/system_controller/volumio_command_line_client/volumio.sh: line 39: /volumio/app/plugins/user_interface/volumio_command_line_client/commands/status.js : No such file or directory

All other cmd give me the same / similar result

I do not uderstand what I am doing wrong - Please help out again

Thank you