Volumio Team -
You get lots of feedback mostly negative so just wanted to share the following.
I am a top tier subscriber. Not sure what it is called.
I discovered this as one of the few platforms where I could actually play hi res music through my high end stereo. Pi 4 and Audiophonics Dac and a pi3B+ With same DAC and have loved it for Qobuz.
One thing I love is that the monthly subscription gets me new updates so always something to look forward to.
But what I wanted to share is apparently isn’t new. I recalled something about CD ripping and so I thought well maybe I could play a CD. So I tried it with a new CD. And my goodness Volumio and my little Pi3b+ killed it. Plugged my Mac DVD player in and boom it popped up on Volumio software. And then I said well let’s try the rip feature and it downloaded FLAC files. And this was so much fun because for the first time I could compare FLAC to CD. Dare I suggest FLAC was just a tad livelier.
In any event as a newbie this was fun and awesome. Thank you for doing all you do for a nominal price.
Thank you.