Where did the Spotify connect plugin go?

Nah man, perhaps ask the guys who wrote the old one? I don’t remember their names…

If you don’t want to use it …that’s fine by me
If you can code even better love to see your nice coding.
If you can’t code don’t talk about the work they did in a few days.
It’s a lot of coding and testing to get it to work.
In time this plug-in will be better.
And volumio just switched to the buster so a lot of things had to be fixed or re-written they are after Months still buzy with that.
If you like to kick against something pick a big stone instead of them.
You can only hurt yourself instead of the hard working guys who do a lot in there spare time.

Talk about Deafmans ears…

I want to use the old working volspotconect plugin simple. Why remove it if the new one is not complete?

@balbuze I did some detective work - you wrote that working plugin, why did you remove it???

Let me explain something.
The new plugin is based on the same lib ‘vollibrespot’ a fork of librespot made by @ashthespy than Spotify connect 2.
So it is supposed to do the same thing+ local Spotify browsing (done by the previous deprecated Spotify plugin using spop.)
As the new plugin is doing the same thing than the two others, it is the reason this now the only one.
Unfortunately, this is not as smooth as expected…
Sorry for this…
The old plugin is still available for a manual install: volumio-plugins/plugins/music_service/volspotconnect2 at alsa_modular · balbuze/volumio-plugins · GitHub

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the plugin was developed by the community, as many other plugins.

Volumio team stepped in to provide a new plugin to allow user to get their functionality back, even if it’s not part of the Volumio core codebase

If it’s a “community developed plugin” and the Volumio them stepped in, great job :+1:… but you only need to read through posts like below to see why the sudden love for this “community developed” plugin… :roll_eyes: sorry let’s call it what it is. You guys have the Spotify logo on your landing page. Own it, or remove it.

Or if you replace a “community developed” plugin with a rush hack job… Then don’t just remove the working said “community developed” plugin?

Thanks to tips from @balbuze I now see I need to SSH and jump through other hoops to install what I could just click click and goo previously…

I’m sorry if this has been already asked, but does Volumio not have official rights to use Spotify Connect? I would think that Spotify would provide the APIs needed to use their service on a licensed commercial product. This is all kind of feeling a bit DIY for a commercial product.


This is getting a bit annoying. Just bashing on someone else accomplishment. It’s given for free by Volumio to fill a gap that was caused by Spotify.
What have you contributed so far?

It’s a new plugin, written with a new API. So yes the only thing currently is some weird behavior with Spotify connect. Which I am sure will be addressed.
To be honest, if you built a house are your going to bake the bricks yourself or just buy them?

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I think that if you report to us what does not work for you (and send some logs, as described here: How to send a log link for a bug report? and pasting the link) that would be a better use of everybody’s time


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@McMuffin it only takes one sour whinger with a massive chip on his shoulder to spoil the the tone of this amazing community. Please have the decency to read the answers people give, who understand how this works better than you and I, or go away and whine someplace else.

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Mate, I’m not bashing the Spotify plugin the team has provided, filling the gap. Other matter that they uses a library that is deprecated 7 years ago :face_with_raised_eyebrow: and are acting surprised that it doesn’t work “suddenly”

I’m frustrated that they removed the “community free” working plugin from, and now ask me to bring out a keyboard and ssh to install things.

This I’m bashing. They are using the same vollibrespot thing @balbuze mentions… You guys keep saying new API new API like puppets. Look at his repository, it’s years old, and it worked fine for me, from my iPhone, and Android so yeah, I’m annoyed that the new one doesn’t work, and they removed the old one.

And apparently I’m not the only one

My point exactly, the puppets keep mouthing new API, but when you look at this vollibrespot there is a big text saying Spotify can cancel your account.

Again, own the Spotify logo on your landing page, or remove it and say your using some hack…

Same issues as the other guys, songs keep skipping, volume stuff is all over the place… Just look at the beta thread that you started…

Is this a known issue? (volume jumps around all over the place when devices are grouped) - #9 by michel8166

And this thread Spotify wont accept my username and password again - #115 by Wheaten

Where our scrum master @Wheaten has asked for proper sprints and burdowns testing/debugging the plugin…

But now 8 days later has changed to new API who dis new :bug::bug::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Ha, Spotify is even on top…

Ok, you let your anger \ frustration \ whining out. Now, are you more relaxed?

If you can’t contribute with anything else than negativity, just stop, we won’t miss it.

If you can contribute with constructive criticism and solutions, then you’re more than welcome.

Message received, we’re on it. Hope same is happening on your side.


Fair play, if you dish, be ready to be served.

I known ya’ll think I’m just being a Karen here and shouting foul, but also take a minute(s) to read through those threads, people have said what I’m saying now, but many many days back.
@wcndave perhaps say it with better nuances for sure…

I’ll only add,
(pretty please) while you fix things, let us install the old connect plugin from @balbuze without needing extra steps!
Sure this is a Volumio community, but for a commercial product that you are generating revenue on, well, you have users and customers who lack patience, like me :+1:

what you mean is that the plugin of balbuze may return in the plugin store,
so that other people can use it without the hassle of installing it by hand.

@McMuffin Yes, I probably said it more tactfully, however I am not sure I want you using my post to support your current arguments :thinking:

Here’s what my position on this is now.

Yes, at the time I was frustrated for two main reasons.

  1. a core feature that is used to advertise Volumio commercial, that was deprecated years ago, finally stopped working and surprised them.
  2. the first response was to ask for free community developers to fix it.

However since then, I appreciate that due to overwhelming demand, and perhaps arguments like the one I made, Volumio have owned the feature and have worked fairly rapidly to bring something out. As long as they continue to own this feature, and to work on bugs etc, I think they have brought sensible resolution to the issue, and as a developer I understand that sometimes things like this come out of the blue, and our first reaction is to say “it’s not ours” etc… Volumio will have earned forgiveness by reversing the error of which all development teams will encounter from time to time.

In the meantime, there are a number of outstanding issues, some of which I have posted about, with logs, one or two of which are fairly significant, and I trust these will be resolved.

I think it might be useful to know where is best to post issues and logs, as this thread is now rather long.

Also, as I understood it, the old plugin just doesn’t work anymore - so why return it to the store.
Or maybe it does, however then the new plugin then has to support that too, which slows down developing and fixing the new one… there are plenty of reasons for not returning it.

I think that what will make this point completely moot, is if the new plugin has some of the more significant bugs fixed soon - that’ll get rid of most of the noise.

Just try to take a deep breath before posting :smiley:

Where has the Spotify connect plugin gone?

retired, everyone has earned a rest after many years of toil.
so let’s embrace the newcomer :grin:

Guys, I’m a cool cucumber here!
Let’s try this again. I spent the last fifteen mins reading up, so I’m now also an expert. :sunglasses:

First there where two plugins:

  1. libspotify + Spotify web API based “native” Spotify the one you could browse tracks from Volumio. From Volumio team, and @skikirkwood
  2. vlolibrespot + Spotify web API based “connect” Spotify. From @balbuze and @ashthespy

Now libspotify was deprecated, and yes so it then stopped working.

Volumio devs initially throw up hand and say community take charge, then change and say okay we fix this. Kudos to them.

Now meanwhile, plugin no 2. Has been working fine.

They do mad dev sprints, combine plugin 2. and 1. (bugs included) and push out something to keep users of plugin 1. happy.
Again, great job.

But, it’s still buggy, time will tell how they fix it. But meanwhile, why remove working plug-in 2. from the store?

Is it because of all the blowback from people saying " own it"? I dunno, but at least have it around until new plugin is 100% and smooth?

Dev 101, make rollbacks easy breezy…

Just want to open Spotify on my iPhone, and listen to some Bieber. (No judgement :v:)

Okay, I went deeeep down the rabbit hole…

Old native plugin used libspotify for playback and web API for track browsing.

Old connect plugin used vollibrespot for payback and web API to show status in volumio.

New plugin uses vollibreapot for playback and web API for browsing.

Now browsing was never the issue, so that works great, but connect stuff seems to have bugs in the new one.

Butt, I don’t think it’s developer effort to maintain the connect pluging in the store? Look at the commits to that repo, it looks very stable to me.

Btw, I have to say

14k lines of code? in Rust?? :exploding_head:

300k lines or code? :dizzy_face: :exploding_head:

I don’t think these Connect plugin guys will need extra effort to maintain this plugin while Volumio fixs the new one…