When loading an album. All tracks are played twice

Since loading the latest update of Volumio a strange problem has occurred.
After I load an album to play the player plays all tracks twice and list them as 2 in the queue.
It’s not long since I built the player, indeed I’ve since built two more.
All 3 have been updated to the latest version of Volumio and Raspberry operating system. I haven’t had a chance to re-test the latest 2 yet.
I’m not completely certain this fault occurred before the updates but I don’t think it did.
Any thoughts?
My systems are all Pi3b+
All with Just Boom hats. 2 x Dacs and 1 with amp hat. The main one I first noticed the problem on has the touchscreen running a dac hat.
Music source is a server loaded with MS Home Server 2011 and running Asset

Hi Keith
Do you have playlists in the same folder of music files? (e.g., m3u files)

Thanks for getting back.
All music files are stored in a share labelled music on the server.
I’ve searched this folder and there are no m3u files.
I also access this share using asset on my CAmbridge Audio streamer with no problem.

  1. Are you using Volumio or MyVolumio?
  2. Are you playing from a NAS or from a DLNA Server?
  3. If it’s a DLNA server, which server is it (plex, minimserver etc)

I’m using the IOS app on a iPad
From a DLNA server
Using Asset server software.