I am using Volumio 1.4 on RPi and I have a behaviour that looks like a bug.
I am playing a webradio.
If I pause for some time, and hit play again, the music resumes from where I left.
And then after some time it stops and the webradio clears from the playlist.
As if it was playing what was left in the buffer and did not know what to play afterwards.
I would expect it to resume, not from where it left, but rather from where the webradio is at that time.
FYI, I made some other tests:
- same issue when using MPDroid
- I have another manual implementation of MPD on standard linux and when I hit resume, it resumes where I left, and after it finishes the buffer, it reopens the same webradio. So there is a gap in the music, but I don’t need to readd it to the playlist